tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley 2. Utterances, sentences and propositions Objective: Objective: Students are able to demonstrate the relationship among utterances, sentences and propositons. Students are able to demonstrate the relationship among utterances, sentences and propositons.
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley 2. Utterances, sentences and propositions Topics: Topics: Utterances Utterances Sentences Sentences Propositions Propositions
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley TIK2 Sentences, utterances and propositions Utterances is Utterances is The use By a particular speaker On a particular time At a particular place Of a piece of language -Sequence of sentences -Single phrase -A single word
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Example “hello” “hello” “I am here” “I am here” “ He was born in Bandung” “ He was born in Bandung” “ksptstdddddna” (?) “ksptstdddddna” (?) He was born in Bandung (?)4 He was born in Bandung (?)4
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Utterances in written language Using “ “ Using “ “ “ He went here yesterday” “ He went here yesterday” He went here yesterday. He went here yesterday.
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Sentences One thought/complete meaning One thought/complete meaning word Grammatical rules
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Sentence in written language Without any “ “ Without any “ “ He was born in Bandung. He was born in Bandung.
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Proposition Main idea/meaning of a sentence Main idea/meaning of a sentence
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Conclusion Proposition U U U U U Sentence U
tik 2 Utterances, sentences, proposition hurford and heasley Tik 2 exercises : utterances, sentences and propositions Group work: Group work: 1 group consists of 4 – 5 students 1 group consists of 4 – 5 students Find or make up pictures indicating the relationship among utterances, sentences and propositions. Find or make up pictures indicating the relationship among utterances, sentences and propositions. Explain the picture and the relationship among the three components. Explain the picture and the relationship among the three components.