Basic Philosophy of SUSY Photons+MET Selection Bruce Schumm, SCIPP/UCSC SUSY 2011 Data Workshop 17 March 2011 n.b.: We are becoming a general photon + MET signature study, merged with the exotics effort. Probably no impact on the following though…
Bino-Like Neutralino Grid No visible jet activity when M g ~ M Desecrated plot thanks to Shih/Ruderman, ArXiv Tevatron Limit So far, focus on Bino-like 0 case with B( 0 g ~ ) 75% (will generalize later); for now 2 + MET signature In order to be sensitive to full parameter space (esp m g~ m B ), do not require hadronic activity. Tevatron limit on 0 mass sets lower limit on MET/E T scale, relatively independent of M g~ ; optimize near limits (see next slides)
p T of photons M bino = 150 – 580 GeV M gluino = 600GeV ( = 0.26pb ) M bino = 200 GeV M gluino=400–700GeV ( =6–0.07 pb) BR doesn’t change ~ 80% p T of photons ~ similar BR changes vs. M bino: 90% (M bino = 150GeV) 65% (M bino = 580GeV) p T of photons! Photon p T can be soft for M small