04 - Brands Matakuliah: G0622/Bahasa Inggris 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1.01
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memberikan contoh tentang ‘brand’ dan its collocations. Menggunakan ‘special phrases’ dalam pembicaraan mereka.
Outline Materi
Quote of the Week
Definition of Brands
1. Introduction
Book Answer comprehension questions to check understanding of topic vocabulary and concepts. –Are they international or national brands ? –What image and qualities does each one have ? –Do the products have anything in common ? For example, are they all high priced ? –How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen ? For example, when you buy jeans, do you always buy Levi's ? –If you don't buy branded goods, explain why ?
2. Vocabulary
Book: Use vocabulary to describe the concept of branding.
Luxury Classic Awareness Image Stretching Loyalty Leader Manager
In class / Assignment: Write an analysis of a designer in the fashion industry. –See Assignment 04-01: Web Research and Writing Assignment: Comparing Fashion Designers
3. Listening
Book: Listen to a specialist speak about branding and extract meaning. Lynne Fielding - a marketing specialist
In class / Assignment: Present ideas about branding. –See Assignment 04-02: Speaking Assignment: Describe a Famous Brand
4. Reading
Fashion piracy Global offensive Counterfeiter Copyright abuse A network Merchandise Corporate secretary Logo Licensing rights To rip off Restructure
Book: Read the article "Fashion victim fights back" and extract information about the Calvin Klein company and its fight with counterfeiters.
In class / Assignment: Discuss ways that companies can fight piracy.
5. Grammar
Book: Recognise and use verbs in simple past and present perfect.
6. Business Skills
Book: Use key words and phrases for participating in meetings. Create a marketing profile for the BESTBOOKS company. Use key words and phrases for expressing opinions in meetings.
In class / Assignment: Read and discuss three case studies, using key words and phrases for expressing opinions in meetings –See Assignment 04-03: In-Class Discussion
7. Case Study
Caferoma In class / Assignment: –Analyse and discuss a case study. Caferoma: Solving the problems of a leading brand. –Plan and write a business memo summarising problems and suggesting a plan of action. –See Assignment 04-04: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Course of Action Memo
8. Unit Review
Book: Review listening, vocabulary, and reading from Unit 2. –See assignment 04-05: Discussion Board Activity
Assignments 04-01: Web Research and Writing Assignment: Comparing Fashion Designers 04-02: Speaking Assignment: Describe a Famous Brand 04-03: In-Class Discussion 04-04: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Course of Action Memo 04-05: Discussion Board Activity Due next week