The untapped potential of Apprentices - a drip or a cascade?
Progression to HE for Apprentices in context Government plans to increase the numbers of Apprentices Current and future skills needs The Browne review and HE fees Quality Credit Framework
Current Apprentice progression to Higher Education is 4% (UCAS 2009). Why?
LSC AdvAnce report (2007-9) 38% Advanced Apprentices wanted to take up higher level training within 6 months 45% Advance Apprentices wanted to take up higher training within 3 years Mismatch between ambition and progression?
Health and Social Care Apprentices Cornwall College and NHS have started an apprenticeship in Health and Social Care 2 completed last year Both only found out by own research Both had been guided onto other level 3 courses which did not suit them Now passionate, engaged and want to go onto HE BUT no clear joined up progression route
Robert Jabangwe
Daniel Sharpe
Tony Tremain
What do Apprentices need?
Up to date information Support Supply
HE supply Transition support – STEP INTO HE, OU modules Convergence funded Degree level short courses Foundation degrees - 2 days a week full time Honours degrees but with specific work experience or additional qualifications
Useful websites