Uli Schäfer 1 Production modules Status Plans JEM: Status and plans
Uli Schäfer 2 Sum processor XC2V2000 Jet processor XC2V input modules (IM) v1.1 (XC2V1500, SCAN921260) TTCdec module Control Module (CM) v1.3 CAN VME control Fan-out of configuration lines G-link readout module (RM) v1.2 JEM1.3 (production)
Uli Schäfer 3 Minor modifications of JEM wrt pre-production modules: silk screen, pads for CLKdes2 terminators, reduced bypass capacitance on 3.3V supply due to crate supply oscillations 4 pre-production + 41 production = 45 fully functional modules to be used on ATLAS 32 in JEP crates + 13 spares ! Yield so far: 2 defective JEMs found : NO BGA issues, just one short on connector and one chip mounted in wrong orientation 8 input modules with BGA issues (replace?) 7 input modules with minor issues (rework?) small numbers of defective control and G-link modules From pre-production to production
Uli Schäfer 4 Many production issues with prototypes and pre- production All production steps have taken far longer than scheduled, minimum a factor of two Problems were reported only shortly before delivery dates, even if they were known for quite a while 3 iterations of input module PCB (impedance issues and others) 2 iterations of JEM PCB (impedance) Wrong component (SMB voltage sensor) mounted on control module Inverted tantalum on control module rework Insufficient cleaning and drying of input modules leading to malfunction rework Module production story
Uli Schäfer 5 Record electronic serial number JTAG B/Scan Input modules Control modules JEM main boards Flash and check CPLDs and CAN controller Basic LVDS link tests : lock / no lock to 40MHz square Acceptance tests (Bruno)
Uli Schäfer 6 Interface tests only, using counter patterns (linear ramp) Error detection mainly in firmware Basically using features built into production firmware for timing calibration Interfaces tested: LVDS inputs - ramp pattern required for timing calibration (PPM!) FIO - pattern detection required for timing calibration (not yet included in jet production firmware) DAQ and ROI links - software error detection CMM - parity detection, pattern generation (so far) in dedicated firmware For details see Markus / Andrea Full system tests with ROD readout at CERN only… “System” tests, Mainz trigger lab
Uli Schäfer 7 ship 8 crate-tested JEMs on March 19 to make a full crate of JEMs available for system tests at CERN continue production tests in Mainz (~ 2 weeks) delay further module shipment until crate situation at CERN becomes clear full JEP system tests at CERN as soon as infrastructure complete Meanwhile: cabling, crate issues, firmware, software… Plans