Halaman 1 Matakuliah: J0084 / Introduction to Management and Business Tahun: 2007 Versi: 1 / 3 Pertemuan 04 (Fourth Meeting) Communication and Information Technology
Halaman 2 Learning Outcome Student should be able to formulate about interpersonal communication and organizational communication and also understand the influence of technology toward managerial communication -> C3
Halaman 3 Learning Outline Understanding Communication Interpersonal Communication Organizational Communication Understanding Information Technology Communication Issues in Today’s Organization
Halaman 4 1. Understanding Communication a. What Is Communication? Transfer and Understanding Of Meaning
Halaman 5 b. Functions of Communication 2) Motivation 1) Control 3) Emotional 4) Information
Halaman 6 2. Interpersonal Communication Message SenderMessage MediumReceiver Encoding Decoding Noise Feedback
Halaman 7 a. Methods of Communicating Interpersonally 12) Time of consumption 11) Scanability 10) Formality 9) Interpersonal warmth 8) Cost 7) Time-space constraint 3) Breadth potential 6) Decoding ease 5) Encoding ease 4) Confidentiality 2) Complexity capacity 1) Feedback
Halaman 8 Non Verbal Communication
Halaman 9 b. Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication: 2) Emotions 3) Information Overloads 1) Filtering 4) Defensiveness 5) Language 6) National culture
Halaman 10 c. Overcoming the Barriers: 4) Constrain Emotions 3) Listen Actively 2) Simplify Language 1) Use feedback
Halaman 11 Active Listening Avoid interrupting speaker Don’t overtalk Paraphrase Be empathetic Make eye contact Exhibit affirmative head nods and appropriate facial expressions Ask questions Avoid distracting actions or gestures Active Listening Behavior
Halaman Organizational Communication a. Formal Versus Informal Communication b. Direction of Communication Flow: 1) Downward communication 4) Diagonal communication 2) Upward communication 3) Lateral communication
Halaman 13 c. Organizational Communication Networks 1) Types of Communication Networks ChainAll ChannelWheel Moderate High Moderate Moderate Fast Moderate None High Fast High High Low Criteria: Speed Accuracy Emergence of leader Member satisfaction
Halaman 14 2) The Grapevine Is it true that she will replace me as a marketing manager next month??? Rumors Gossip
Halaman Understanding Information Technology a. How Technology Affects Managerial Communication 2)Networked Computer systems: Instant Messaging Voice Mail Fac Machine Electronic Data Interchange Teleconferencing Videoconferencing Wireless Capabilities b. How Information Technology Affects Organization
Halaman Communication Issues In Today’s Organization c. The Role of Communication in Customer Service d. “Politically Correct” Communication a.Managing Communication in an Internet World b. Managing the Organization’s Knowledge Resources