Transport Layer Pertemuan 24 Matakuliah: H0484/Jaringan Komputer Tahun: 2007
Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan fungsi Transport Layer
Bina Nusantara Outline Materi Addressing Fungsi Transport Layer TCP UDP
Bina Nusantara Transport layer duties
Bina Nusantara Addressing TCP uses the concept of source and destination port numbers which uniquely identify a particular communicating process on a host. Port numbers Well known port numbers (defined by IANA 0 – 1023) Registered ports ( ) Private ports/Ephemereal ( )
Bina Nusantara IP Addresses vs Port Numbers
Bina Nusantara Application Addressing Target user specified by User identification called socket in TCP/IP – Transport entity identification Generally only one per host If more than one, then usually one of each type – Specify transport protocol (TCP, UDP) – Host address An attached network device In an internet, a global internet address
Bina Nusantara Socket address
Bina Nusantara Multiplexing Multiple users employ same transport protocol User identified by port number or service access point (SAP) May also multiplex with respect to network services used
Bina Nusantara Transport Layer Protocol Transmission Control Protocol – Connection oriented – RFC 793 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – Connectionless – RFC 768
Bina Nusantara Types of data deliveries The transport layer is responsible for process-to- process delivery
Bina Nusantara TCP segment format
Bina Nusantara TCP Mechanisms Connection establishment – Three way handshake – Between pairs of ports – One port can connect to multiple destinations
Bina Nusantara Connection Establishment
Bina Nusantara UDP UDP is a connectionless, unreliable protocol that has no flow and error control It uses port numbers to multiplex data from the application layer Delivery and duplication control not guaranteed Reduced overhead UDP is a convenient transport-layer protocol for applications that provide flow and error control. It is also used by multimedia applications
Bina Nusantara User datagram format The calculation of checksum and its inclusion in the user datagram are optional