MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Liquid Hydrogen and General Infrastructure M Hills T Bradshaw M Courthold S Griffiths T Hayler S Ishimoto A Lintern I Mullacrane A Nichols D Summers P Warburton C White
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Outline 1.Infrastructure progress up to now /11 Plans 3.RF Infrastructure 4.Electrical Infrastructure and Sub-Station 5.Hydrogen System and Infrastructure i.The R&D System ii.Absorbers iii.Windows iv.Integration with the AFC 6.Summary 2
MICE Project Board 23 rd September Circa Circa 2007 But this is what we’re aiming for >>
MICE Project Board 23 rd September Integration engineering of the experiment is driven from a single 3D CAD model (in Solid Edge) This allows accurate checking of module positions and interfaces But it doesn’t include much of the infrastructure needed to run the beamline....yet....Installation of MICE Step VI in R5.2
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Infrastructure Progress Much has been achieved since 2007: Installation of false floor Provision of module positioning system for Spectrometer Solenoids Construction of magnetic shield walls (150 tonnes of iron) Provision of CCR cooling water system Up-rated compressed air system Installation of air conditioning Up-rated the domestic power, lighting & fire detection Compliance of R5.2 to all safety & local rules Installation of extract fans Accommodation for 28 CCR compressors and services General civil engineering work 5
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Planning for 2010/11 Infrastructure for STEPS II and III is complete Now switching focus to preparation for STEPS IV and V: RF power work Design of waveguide/power/cooling infrastructure, placement of amplifiers ‘Hands on’ work at DL with RAL team – second LBNL amplifier Advance work on the LH2 system Vent system Civil engineering Pipe/valve & gas panel work Start work on the Electrical Sub- Station upgrade 6
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 General Infrastructure - Current Work A new extension to the north mezzanine to accommodate an increase in the number of electronics racks needed for the cooling channel. A steel cladded building for the LH2 system vacuum pumps on top of the MICE roof and a platform to support the Hydrogen stacks. Security and protective fencing on the MICE hall roof and pedestrian walkway. PPS fences and gates for the RF enclosure. Main door refurbishment and connection to the PPS system. Gas bottle store outside the MICE hall. Preparations for laying the floor for step III. A mechanical system to move the MICE modules, AFC and RFCC, in and out of the beam. Installation of the RF amplifiers and layouts of the RF components between the Amplifiers and the Cavities. 7
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 RF Power Two RF amplifiers from LBNL are being reconditioned at DL –Assembly of the first TH116 amplifier circuit is complete, the other is waiting –Plan to deploy some of existing team on second amplifier –Important to do this early while we have time –Led by Daresbury Lab –Very beneficial DL/RAL relationship –RF amplifiers quite big, 4m high and 1 tonne – we have to fit four of them in a very confined space 8
MICE Project Board 23 rd September Need to fit all this Under here!
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Electrical Infrastructure - Current Work The Daresbury Electrical Engineering, Power Supplies and Controls group continue to progress work on the electrical infrastructure including: The main power-distribution system design The cable management for networks The personnel protection system AC distribution, lighting and fire protection Control cables, designs for control racks for the tracker, diffuser and spectrometer solenoids Work on the Target, Decay Solenoid and Liquid-Hydrogen system The Daresbury group have proved invaluable in getting all areas of the electrical infrastructure work done; the relationship between the two sites RAL and Daresbury is working extremely well.
MICE Project Board 23 rd September STEP I Present power rating (1.25MVA) Point at which we’re in trouble The electrical supply the MICE Hall needs to be upgraded from 1.25MVA to 2MVA, certainly to run at Step IV and probably at Step III. A technical solution has been chosen that employs all new transformers, switchgear and cabling. A list of suitable suppliers has been identified and they are being invited to take part in a (non OJEU) tender exercise. The delivery date cannot be specified exactly until the project plan is made, but it is not anticipated to be later than Q3, Electrical Substation Status
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Hydrogen System 12 Relief lines Ventilation ducts Fans Test Cryostat Gas Panel Enclosures
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Ventilation System Basis of safety –Eliminate sources of ignition ATEX rated fans –Fans have been purchased and are ready to install –Quotes for the ductwork and installation currently being sought through BPG 13
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Vacuum System –Dedicated pump enclosure to be sited on MICE Hall roof –Will house backing pumps required for all 3 hydrogen systems –Designated Hydrogen Zone 2 (same as Gas Panel Enclosures) for DSEAR purposes –Turbo pumps for AFC modules’ safety vacuum to be sited on South Wall in present plan –Pipe diameters will need to be large (approx. 150mm) to achieve required vacuum Turbo pumps Backing pump 14
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Safety - DSEAR Zoning Test Cryostat (or AFC absorber vacuum space) Gas Panel Enclosure Pump Enclosure Connecting ductwork...are Zone 2. (“A place in which an explosive atmosphere....is not likely to occur in normal operation, but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period only.”) The MICE Hall is not 15
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Safety Issues Dealing with a power outage System is passively safe in event of over-pressure But what about a leak? The ventilation system is power hungry (2 x 4kW fans) and would require a significant investment (either very large UPS or diesel generator) to keep it running in a mains failure. An alternative option may be a controlled vent of the hydrogen in the system Under discussion with MICE TB. Safety review process Review of the design conducted in 2005, but control system was not part of this Clear that a pre-operation safety review is required, but the exact format of this is still to be finalised Already working with ISIS on safety issues so there shouldn’t be any surprises 16
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 R&D System Manufacture Buffer Volume, Transfer Line, Test Cryostat and Gas Panel all complete (including wiring of instrumentation) Manufacture of the enclosure is underway 17
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Acceptance Testing Several Purposes: Leak testing Pressure testing (and certification) Full system cool-down with buffer tank and gas panel Testing of instrumentation and logging on PLC Some testing of control sequences for helium
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Test Results (1) 19
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Test Results (2) 20
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Absorber Development & Testing (KEK) Absorber #1 now assembled (including temperature and level instrumentation) and tested See following slides for test results Some possible improvements to increase H2 liquefaction rate already being considered. Interface check with Mississippi Window required Absorber #2 being manufactured
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Hydrogen Absorber Cooldown 22 Cooling without LN2; 4.5 day Cooling with LN2; 1 day Absorber body H2-IN pipe H2-OUT pipe Absorber temperatures
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Hydrogen Liquefaction 23 H2 Liquefaction Speed ; 2.5 l/day at 1 bar, 20K Time to Fill 20 L Absorber; 8 days
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Windows (University of Mississippi) 24 CNC machining 20 aluminum windows to contain LH2 MICE needs 6 LH2 windows and 6 safety windows MICE needs 5 spares and 3 windows destructively tested Destructively tests of some windows at T=77K and 300K Fixtures for destructive LN2 and H2O tests completed Will pressurize liquid with a tiny volume of throttled helium Window Production –All 20 windows have been roughed out of 6061-T6 aluminum –Windows turned on lathe with a machined backing plate –Turned on lathe to 2000 microns central thickness –UMiss micrometer measures at 0 and 15 degree angles –LBNL-Berkeley non-contact View Precis 3000 optical CMM First 11 windows completed. –Burst test 2 windows at 300K, 120, 122 psi (8 atmospheres)
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Integration with the AFC –RAL, Oxford, KEK and Tesla are working together to ensure that the R&D system and Absorber are compatible with the AFC module –Instrumentation (i.e. level sensors, pressure sensors and thermometry) which must be compatible with UK regulations (i.e. DSEAR – we can ‘self-certify’) –Space for instrumentation connectors –Process line connections –Mechanical mounting in the AFC bore (heat leak issues) 25
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Absorber Testing at RAL 26 This…into this… Aims: Iron out any mechanical integration issues Confirm absorber instrumentation can be read by H2 control system and that all the information required for the control sequences is available
MICE Project Board 23 rd September 2010 Summary Infrastructure for MICE STEP IV and beyond includes several technically challenging systems Plan for 2010/11 is to mitigate the associated risks by progressing work in key areas: H2 Infrastructure H2 R&D Testing (including the KEK absorber) RF Infrastructure Electrical Sub-Station Both the RF and H2 systems are complex installations with input required from many parts of the collaboration; getting them to work will require an even greater degree of cross-collaboration working Need to make best use of the ISIS shutdown (September 2010 – March 2011) while there is no call for data taking