Technology Processes 3 processes make a system Each processes is critical The sum is greater than the whole
Processes Problem solving/Design –Identify problem –Develop multiple solutions –Isolate best solution –Model and Evaluate
Processes Problem solving/Design –Communicate (Big deal) –Implement –Continuous improvement
Processes Plan Do Check Act
Processes Production Process 7 Technologies = Unique Actions that create a physical solution
Processes Production of Ag. –Propagation –Growth –Harvesting –Conversion/processing
Processes Production Process – Communication Encoding Transmitting
Processes Production Process – Communication Receiving Decoding Storing/Retrieving
Processes Construction Processes –Preparing the site –Setting the foundation –Building the superstructure –Installing Utilities
Processes Construction Processes Enclosing the structure Finishing the project Completing site and structure Servicing structure
Processes Energy and Power –Mechanical –Chemical
Processes Fuel efficiency
Processes Energy and Power Thermal Electrical Nuclear