Old Business Note: We rarely write HTML by hand – Many programs offer an HTML option to “save as” Microsoft: Word, Powerpoint, Outlook Apple: TextEdit
Embedding (Viral Marketing)
New Business: Web Programming Homework Add a survey to your home page – Provide a submit button that s survey results to you Hint: But please results to you (and not to me) – Suggestions: Use forms with several types of inputs – Menus, buttons, check boxes, textareas Provide “like” and “don’t like” features, tags, etc. Update your home page and us with link by dawn before next class Please check out one another’s home pages – And fill out their surveys…
We will focus on simple JavaScript examples, but JavaScript needn’t be simple Extra Credit: – Add a solitaire game to your home page – Hint:
URLs with Arguments URL (aka link) – Domain: – Arguments: hl, q, subject, body Examples: – – – JavaScript Security Model makes it difficult to pass information back from client to server – We’ll use mailto links to get around that – Better alternatives: cgi bin (Unix),.Net (Microsoft) Nice tutorial: But too advanced for now… We can return to this later (if you want to)
factorial_example.html Example of a form – One Input: x – Two Outputs (both produce the same result) Recursive definition of factorial Iterative definition of factorial – Three Buttons: Update button: calls fact(x) and updates as necessary Next: calls fact(x+1) and updates as necessary Back: calls fact(x−1) and updates as necessary Take-away points – Illustrate forms: inputs, outputs, menus… – Illustrate JavaScript functions (with multiple arguments) Code Re-use: Note that all 3 buttons call the same update function – Illustrate recursion (and compare with iteration) – Illustrate function calling, local variables and alpha/beta reduction
Lots of Different Input Types (with state)
form_example.html Different types of input boxes, menus, buttons, etc. – values back (to workaround security) –
Limitations Due to Security JavaScript security model – JavaScript has its own security model, but this is not designed to protect the Web site owner or the data passed between the browser and the server. – Security model: designed to protect user from malicious Web sites, and as a result, it enforces strict limits on what the page author is allowed to do. Challenge: Can we protect the user (innocent good guy) – If a bad guy (page author) is running code on good guy’s machine? – Prohibitions: bad guy can’t read or write secrets (e.g., user’s files) But bad guy can trick user into clicking on links and handing over secrets Menus can switch “yes” and “no” (and “cancel”) Phishing JavaScript can call URLs with arguments and those URLs need not play by the rules –
(Too) Advanced Topics Despite the security model, you can still do some pretty amazing (advanced) things… – Please don’t be intimidated… – The rest of this lecture is extra credit
Sketch of (
Image Maps
More (Too) Advanced Examples