Continuous-Time Convolution Linear Systems and Signals Lecture 5 Spring 2008
5 - 2 Convolution Demos Johns Hopkins University Demonstrations Convolution applet to animate convolution of simple signals and hand-sketched signals Convolve two rectangular pulses of same width gives a triangle (see handout E) Some conclusions from the animations Convolution of two causal signals gives a causal result Non-zero duration (called extent) of convolution is the sum of extents of the two signals being convolved
5 - 3 Transmit One Bit Transmission over communication channel (e.g. telephone line) is analog hh t 1 pp t A ‘1’ bit t pp -A-A ‘0’ bit Model channel as LTI system with impulse response h(t) Communication Channel inputoutput x(t)x(t)y(t)y(t) t t receive ‘1’ bit -A T h receive ‘0’ bit h+ph+p t h+ph+p hh hh Assume that T h < T p A T h
5 - 4 Transmit Two Bits (Interference) Transmitting two bits (pulses) back-to-back will cause overlap (interference) at the receiver How do we prevent intersymbol interference at the receiver? hh t 1 Assume that T h < T p t pp A ‘1’ bit ‘0’ bit pp *= -A T h t pp ‘1’ bit ‘0’ bit h+ph+p intersymbol interference
5 - 5 Transmit Two Bits (No Interference) Prevent intersymbol interference by waiting T h seconds between pulses (called a guard period) Disadvantages? hh t 1 Assume that T h < T p *= t pp A ‘1’ bit ‘0’ bit h+ph+p t -A T h pp ‘1’ bit ‘0’ bit h+ph+p hh
5 - 6 h[n]h[n] y[n]y[n]x[n]x[n] LTI system represented by its impulse response h(t)h(t) y(t)y(t)x(t)x(t) Discrete-time Convolution Preview Discrete-time convolution For every value of n, we compute a new summation Continuous-time convolution For every value of t, we compute a new integral
5 - 7 z -1 … … x[n]x[n] y[n]y[n] h[0]h[1]h[2]h[N-1] Discrete-time Convolution Preview Assuming that h[n] has finite duration from n = 0, …, N-1 Block diagram of an implementation (finite impulse response digital filter): see slide 2-4
5 - 8 Corporate Technical Ladder Test Engineer BS degree Test other people’s designs Starting salary: $55,000 Design Engineer MS degree, or BS degree plus 2 years experience and design short courses Design new products Starting salary: $65,000 What about the Ph.D.? ¾ of Ph.D.’s to industry ¼ of Ph.D.’s to academia BSEE Tech. BSEE MSEE PhDEE 1 PhDEE 2 Technician Test Eng. Design Eng. Proj. Management Technical Staff (R&D) VP, Eng. CTO Director Eng. (1)Ph.D. based on system prototyping (2)Ph.D. with significant theoretical results