A String Constraint Solver for Detecting Web Application Vulnerability Xiang Fu Hofstra University Chung-Chih Li Illinois State University 07/03/2010SEKES 20101
Outline Motivation General Context: Static Analysis + String Constraint Solving Constraint Solving Technique Regular Replacement Application & Experimental Data Conclusion 07/03/2010SEKES 20102
Vulnerable Web Applications Web App. Successful for Decade! Public Accessibility Vulnerability 70% “ Today over 70% of attacks against a company’s website or web application come at the ‘Application Layer’ not the network or system layer.” - Gartner Group 07/03/2010SEKES 20103
SQL Injection Trick admin’--abc Example: uname “ admin’-- ”, pwd as “abc” SELECT uname, pwd FROM users WHERE uname = ’ ’AND pwd=’ ’ -- comments out rest Log-in w/o pwd! string sState = “SELECT uname, pwd FROM users \n” + ’ “WHERE uname = ’” + + ’’’ “’ ANDpwd =’” + + “’” admin’--abc tUname.txt tPwd.txt 07/03/2010SEKES 20104
Challenges User Input Validation – the Cure? Programmers are Human Being! 07/03/2010SEKES 20105
String massage(String strInput) { String sOut = strInput.Replace("’","’’"); sOut = sOut.Substring(0,16); return sOut; } Input Validation Not Easy Generate Escaping Character of SINGLE QUOTE Limit String Size Chop off after 16 th char 07/03/2010SEKES Can you find an attack against massage?
Bugs! ’ OR uname<>’ 16 String length: 16 user name password 07/03/2010SEKES 20107
The Cracking Process String massage(String strInput) { ’’’ String sOut = strInput.Replace("’","’’"); 16 sOut = sOut.Substring(0,16); return sOut; } ’ ’’ ’ 07/03/2010SEKES 20108
SQL Statement Constructed SELECT uname,pwd FROM users WHERE uname=’ ’’ AND pwd=’ OR uname<>’’ Treated as one single quote Condition 1 tautology! Condition 2 tautology! 07/03/2010SEKES 20109
Lessons Learned Bugs Delicate SQL Injection Vul. Need Tools for Inspecting Security Holes Smartly and Automatically 07/03/2010SEKES
General Approach: (COMPSAC’07) Symbolic Execution + String Solver Bytecode Instrumentor String Solver Test Case Generator Sym. Execution Engine Attack Pattern Library bytecode instrumented bytecode x + “zbc” = y? x=.. y=.. 07/03/2010SEKES
SUSHI Constraint Solver 07/03/2010SEKES Undecidable! Application Expressiveness
Simple Linear String Equation String Expression = RegExp 07/03/2010SEKES Variables occur only on LHS Support all string freq ops: Substring, indexing, replacement, concatenation
Example (Password Bypass) 07/03/2010SEKES = RHS LHS Apply massage on x: replacement and substring
Solution Algorithm (1) Break to Atomic Steps (2) Represent in Finite State Transducer (3) Symbolic Image Computation (4) Chain Results => Solution Pool (5) Solution Pool => Concrete Solution 07/03/2010SEKES
Special Challenge (NFM’10) Regular Replacement Many Semantics! Greedy Reluctant Declarative … Special Algorithm for Precise Modeling 07/03/2010SEKES
Finite State Transducer Accepts Regular Relation Union, Concat, Composition Intersection, Complement Used for Modeling Rewriting Rules [Kaplan94, Karttunen96] 04/13/2010NFM ε: a:2 b:3 A (ab,123) ∈ L(A)
04/13/2010NFM Step 1: Begin Marker Step 2: ND End Marker Step 3: Pairing Markers Step 4: Checking Match Step 5: Check Longest Step 6: Replacement a + x Search Pattern aabab #a#ab#ab #a#a$b#ab #a$#a$b#a$b #a#a$b#a$b #aa$b#a$b xbxb #a#ab#a$b #aaba$b One Input Word One Output Word Modeling Greedy Semantics (NFM’2010)
Deal with Unicode Alphabet Explicit Rep. of Transition Not Working! Compact Representation Symbolic Transition Set Special Alg. For FST Composition etc. 04/13/2010NFM
Efficiency of Solver 04/13/2010NFM Login Servlet 1.4 Seconds on 2Ghz PC Bench Mark Equations
More Applications: XSS Attack Vul. Originally Reported in SecTrack # Adobe Flex SDK 3.3 SUSHI found Much Shorter Attack Signature 07/03/2010SEKES Equation Size: Seconds
Related Work Forward String Analysis Christensen & Møller [SAS’03] Wasserman & Su [PLDI’07, ICSE’08] Bjørner & Tillmann [TACAS’09] Backward String Analysis Kiezun & Ganesh [ISSTA’09] Yu & Bultan [SPIN’08, ASE’09] Fu [COMPSAC’07, TAVWEB’08] Natural Language Processing * Kaplan and Kay [CL’1994] 04/13/2010NFM Our Contribution: Precise Modeling of Various Regular Substitution Semantics Precise Security Analysis ?? Compare with Bit- blasting??
Conclusion FST based String Constraint Solving Applied to Security Analysis SQL Injection XSS Attack More … More Expressive Extension of SISE 07/03/2010SEKES
Questions? 07/03/2010SEKES