Introduction to Genetics. Chromosomes Chromosomes are made up of DNA wrapped around proteins. Each chromosome codes for several genes. Each Gene codes.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Genetics

Chromosomes Chromosomes are made up of DNA wrapped around proteins. Each chromosome codes for several genes. Each Gene codes for a protein.

Human genetics Each healthy person has 23 pairs of chromosomes. (46 total = Diploid 2n) Each Pair codes for the same genes and are called Homologous Chromosomes You got 23 from your mom and 23 from your dad.

Sperm and Egg are Haploid Sperm and eggs are haploid cells known as gametes Each Sperm has 23 Chromosomes Each Egg has 23 Chromosomes. 2 Gametes come together to form a zygote

Homologous Chromosomes Homologous Chromosomes code for the same genes Different version of the same Gene are called alleles and will produce different proteins that may function differently. Some alleles are dominant (will be expressed no matter what) Some alleles are recessive (will only be expressed if you have two copies.)

Hypothetical Example Dad is Homozygous Mom is Heterozygous

Visit a map of the Human Genome gi?1