STEPS TO EFFECTIVE TRAINING 1.Assess Needs 2.Design Training 3.Conduct/Deliver Training 4.Ensure Transfer –Support –Consequences 5.Evaluate Training
STEPS TO EFFECTIVE TRAINING 1.Assess Needs 2.Design Training 3.Conduct/Deliver Training 4.Ensure Transfer –Support –Consequences 5.Evaluate Training
TRANSFER OF TRAINING What is transfer? Why is it important? Key Conditions –Learning retention –Recall –Determined by characteristics of the trainee, the learning environment, the organization, and the job
Ensuring Transfer: Before Training Motivation Ability
Ensuring Transfer: During Training Learning environment –Practice –Feedback –Meaningful material Fidelity –What? Why? How? –Physical –Psychological Generalization
Ensuring Transfer: After Training Transfer Climate
Transfer Climate: Manager Support Emphasize attendance Stress application –Aid (Action plans) –Responsibility –Reward Continuum: resistance ----> Active Support How?