1 > Pertemuan > Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: >
2 Starting a Lesson Good Morning/afternoon Hello, everybody How are you? Please sit down Who is away/absent today? Where is...? Does anyone know where... is? Has anyone seen... today?
3 Getting Organized Please can someone clean the board? Where is the chalk? Is there any chalk, please? Where is the cloth to clean the board? Open your textbook at page... Turn to page..., please. Look at page..., please. Where is your textbook/notebook? Haven’t you got a pen/pencil?
4 Pre-Teaching Listen to me and tell me the word. What’s... In English? How do you say that in English? What am I doing? Look at the picture. What’s this in English? What’s the opposite of...? Tell me another word that means the same as... What part of speech is this? Is this a oun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb...? How do you spell...? How do you pronounce it? Where is the main stress in this word? On the fist/second/third syllable? How many syllables are there? Listen and repeat. What’s... In Khmer? Please write the Khmer on the board? Who can write the Khmer on the board?
5 Practice Get into pairs, please. Work in pairs, please. Work with a partner, please. Work with the person next to you, please. Get into groups of 4, please. Make groups of 4, please. Look at the section..., please. Ask and answer the questions in pairs, please. This half of the class asks the questions. This half of the class answers the questions. Block A asks the questions, Block B answers. Fill in the gaps Put the words.phrases/sentences/paragraphs in the right/correct order.
6 Write 3 sentences using Check your answers with your partner/neighboor. When you have finished, swap over. OK, please change over. Student B asks the questions. Students A answers. When you have finished, turn round and check with the person behind you. Turn round and face the row behind. Please come and write your answers on the board. Please listen to your friends/classmates. Is that right or wrong? What do you think? What’s wrong? What’s the correct/right spelling? Please read me your answers What’s the answer to question 1? How many answers did you get right/wrong? the wordsthe correct meaning Matchthe sentenceswiththe correct pictures the questionsthe correct answers
7 Classroom Management Stop talking, please. Be quiet, please. Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Move over here/there, please. Leave the room, please. Please don’t do that. That’s enough, thank you. Please listen. What did I ask you to do? Why aren’t you ? Why haven’t you ? Please don’t waste time.
8 Praising Students Well done! Good! Very good! Great! That’s great! Excellent! That’s excellent. That’s lovely. That’s wonderful. Oh, lovely! You’re very clever! Thank You.
9 When things Aren’t Quite Right That’s OK. Can you think of anything else? Can you add any more? That’s nearly right. Can anyone help her/him? That’s a good try. You’re working hard. Keep going.
10 Closing a Lessons or a Part of a Lessons You’ve got 3 minutes left. Stop writing/speaking now, please. Have you finished? Has everybody finished? OK. It’s time for stop now. We have studied/learned today? For homework, I’d like you to That was good work, everybody. Thank you for working hard. You have worked very hard. Well done! See you next lesson/week/tomorrow. You can go now. Goodbye/Bye-bye.
11 Setting the Scene Look at the picture. Who/What can you see in the picture? What are they doing? Who/What else can you see in the picture? How many can you see?
12 Presentation/Target Item/Concept Checking Please read the passage. Please listen the dialogue. Please answer the questions. Copy this quickly, please. How do we form ? What does mean in Indonesian? What’s the negative? Can you change into negative? How do we make a question? Is this singular or plural? Is this countable or uncountable? What part of speech is this? When do we use ? What is it used for? Why is there an ‘s’ on...? Is there an ‘s’ on ? What comes first/next/last?
13 Drilling Please listen and repeat. No, that wasn’t very clear. very good all together loud enough Let’s try it again. Ready? Can you try it again, please? Try it again, pleas? Please speak louder. Speak up, please. everybodyanswer this question. I wantthis halfrepeat this sentence. that halftocorrect my statements I’d likeone of youcontinue my sentence one personread the next sentence