Literature Review Strategies for Researchers Heather MacDonald Health Sciences Libary (RGN)
Outline CMM Research Guide Databases –Scopus –PubMed RACER – Interlibrary loans Bibliographic management –Refworks CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
The Catalogue or a Database CATALOGUE Books Journals DVDs, CDROM, etc. DATABASE Articles on a topic Clinical trials Systematic reviews CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
Access resources from home Username The first part of your uOttawa (everything before ex. mlecr022 ) Password Your birthdate (YYMMDD) + the last 2 numbers of your SIN CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
Databases A bibliographic database contains citations –PubMed - biomedical literature –Scopus – multidisciplinary including scientific, technical, medical and social sciences literature; useful for tracking citations CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
RACER Interlibrary loan service Register for a RACER account Free but it takes time for an article to arrive CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
Databases Different interfaces Similar functions –AND/OR –Limits (date, language, etc) –Access full text –Export references CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library
Remember… Pubmed –Single citation matcher –Advanced Page –MeSH searching –Related citations –MyNCBI o alerts Scopus –Citation tracking –My list –My alerts o alerts/RSS feed Refworks –Write N Cite –RefGrabIt CMM research guide –uO Proxy –Apps CMM Sept 2011 – RGN Library