Sound in PowerPoint Demonstration
Sound File Inserted in PPT Requires existing file (wav, mp3, wma, or mid) Insert >Movies & Sounds >Sound from file Choose Autoplay or Play when clicked ESC to stop before end NOTE - internal vs external ( = length?) How to know? External requires the file, too! Unedited WAV (E) Edited WAV (I) MIDI (E) 10 sec, 165K3:17, 64K
Internal Sound (recorded in PPT) Recorded initially in PowerPoint Insert / Movies & Sounds / Record Sound Plays automatically from Transition Settings Can’t reuse outside of PPT (?) Not required on activity
Playing from a CD in PPT Insert / Movies and Sounds / Play CD Requires the CD in your CD-ROM drive Should play when clicked, but... Experiment if you like
Sound in HyperStudio Should play wav, au, aif files Can record from within Mic or CD, as set in mixer Save in stack OR as file for further user (wav only) Not time limited like Sound Recorder
A Student Sound Album
My Sound Album Task 1.1 My voice by mic wav, 225K, 10 sec, 22kHz-8 bit-mono Other sounds by mic wav, 98K, 7 sec, lots of noise
My Sound Album Task 1.2 Direct from video sound track wav, 200K, 11 sec Direct from audiocassette (details)
My Sound Album Task 1.3 (our lab) Original 15 sec score from SmartSound wav, 1.26MB, neat!
My Sound Album Task 2.1 (Borrowing Sounds) Clip Sound effect from (Zillion Sounds, other details) Downloaded sound effect from (source URL, other details) Downloaded “real” sound from (source URL, other details)
My Sound Album Task 2.2 (editing sounds) Original recorded sound file (details) “Clipped” (edited) file (details) Combined / rearranged sound (details) With added effects (optional) (details)
My Sound Album Task 2.2 (editing sounds, continued) “Borrowed” original (details) “Clipped” (edited) file Combined / rearranged sound With added effects (optional) Above can be all in one file; give details
My Sound Album Task 3.1 (Converting Formats) CD to wav (3:20) CD = 28.88MB (calculated) wav = 35.2MB (44K, 16-bit, stereo) Details (from recording or File Properties) wav = 9 MB (22K, 8-bit, stereo) wav = 4.1MB (11K, 8-bit, mono) Sound quality ??
My Sound Album Converting Sounds - cont. Task 3.2 (CD to MP3) Original CD = xxMB (calculated) MP3 (96kbps) = xxMB MP3 (160kbps) = xxMB
My Sound Album Converting Sounds - cont. Task 3.3 (resave in other formats) wav (xxMB) to wma (xxMB) any other conversion you can do The ___ sounds best, followed by ____, etc.
3.4 Sound Quality Assessment The ___ sounds best, followed by ____, etc. My observations: