Seasonal diagnostic and temporal variability of the daily precipitation in Argentina Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos- FCEyN-UBA Olga C. Penalba, Federico Robledo
Probability of daily precipitation events Daily percentiles Persistence of rainday and no rainday Objectives Analyze the annual cycle of the following properties:
Probability of daily precipitation events Daily percentiles Persistence of rainday and no rainday Objectives Special interest in extreme events and very heavy rainfall Analyze the temporal variability of:
Data set Daily rainfall information 40 rain gauges Missing data < 10% Quality control Period
Analysis For each station and over its whole period 50 th, 75 th, 90 th and 95 th percentiles of daily precipitation Probability of daily rainfall exceeding a threshold 0.1, 10, 50, 80 and 100 mm 75 th, 90 th and 95 th percentiles Persistence of rainday and no rainday Probability of rainday when the day before was a rainday
Annual cycle of 50 th, 75 th, 90 th and 95 th percentiles of daily precipitation amount
Mean of 50 th percentile of daily rainfall (mm/day) per month
Mean of 95 th percentile of daily rainfall (mm/day) per month
Annual cycle of relative frequency of daily precipitation that exceeds 0.1 mm
Relative frequency of daily precipitation > 0.1 mm
Relative frequency of daily precipitation events exceeding 10 mm/day
Monthly mean of persistence of rainday
Temporal variability
Relative frequency of daily precipitation > 0.1 mm Tres Arroyos AnnualJanuaryOctober Corrientes Nueve de Julio Pilar
Relative frequency of daily precipitation > 0.1 mm Tres Arroyos Annual January October Corrientes Nueve de Julio Pilar AnnualJulyApril
Relative frequency of daily precipitation greater than 10 mm greater than 0.1 mm Santa Rosa Rosario
Relative frequency of daily precipitation > 0.1 mm Kendall´s tau (filled squares: significant at p<0.05) Trend
Relative frequency of daily precipitation > 95 th percentile Kendall´s tau (filled squares: significant at p<0.05) Trend
Extreme events and very heavy rainfall Daily rainfall > 50 and 80 mmuncommon Daily rainfall > 100 mm Autumn > Spring