Geff Green Penny Collier Leading to Careers in Multimedia and Creative Industries
What does multimedia mean? What does SHU offer in this area? What might a student do here? What might they do when they leave? What preparation does a student need?
What is multimedia? Use of many different kinds of media including: –time based media –text –graphic design What do we mean by 'technical' in this area? What do we mean by 'creative' in this area?
CreativeTechnical BA Multimedia and Communications Design BSc Interactive Media with Animation BSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation BSc Games Software Development BA Games Design
Creative Practice New creative practice degree routes –BA Games Design –BA Animation –BA Film and Visual Effects –BA Digital Media.
Creative Practice Emphasis Year 1 –Theories, Critical Methods, Skills development Complementary Studies 80 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity (structured) 40 Pts Year 2 –Theories, Critical Methods, Skills Research/Investigative Methods 60 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity 40 Pts –Option 20 Pts Year 3 –Theories, Critical Methods Skills, Research Methods 40 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity Dissertation opportunity 60 Pts –Option 20 Pts
BSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation Degree StructureBSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation Degree Structure –240 points at A level, Grade B GCSE Maths BSc Interactive Media with Animation Degree Structure –200 points at A level BA Multimedia and Communications Design Degree StructureBA Multimedia and Communications Design Degree Structure –220 points at A level
Examples of Work Eschers World (Virtual Environment)Eschers World Animations –FrustrationFrustration –ImprisonedImprisoned –ScaredScared + others
Where do our students go after graduation? David Roberts - Kuju (Sheffield) Paul Fearn – Google (Leeds) Sue Thomas – 3D Web Technologies (Manchester)