Establishment of a Social Security Information Center The Comprehensive Social Security and Retirement Reform implications for IT
2 Background South African Social Security System evolved in an uncoordinated way over time. Social Insurance programmes are not integrated and comprehensive enough to offer adequate protection from income insecurity. A large portion of the population does not have access to social security Retirement and death benefits have been largely offered in the private sector by a multitude of funds. However participants are not sufficiently protected from market risks and failures of the funds due to inadequate regulatory supervision. Account Administration especially for Defined Contribution complex and even worse if there is not integration Lack of integration results in duplication and lost opportunity for a cost effective and efficient social security system. We inherited Disparate Information Systems and data schemas
3 Proposed social security system Design and build future system that will have multiple pillars Social Assistance Contributory social insurance UIF Accident benefits Retirement survivors benefits Health insurance. Private sector approved funds Voluntary arrangements
4 Benefit Costs: Existing versus Proposed General Benefits (R’million) (2009/10 prices)
5 Emerging Architecture Regulator of approved funds Disability assessmen t NSSF Public Interface (interlink) Public Interface (interlink) SS Contributio n SASSA MSSR Social Security Board Department of Social Security National Treasury Approved Funds SARS Standardise d governance Complaints and adjudicatio n Shared functions ? Tax credits
6 Information Systems Architecture Required SARS Home Affairs 3 rd partyUIFNSSF Platform Service & Data Providers SAPOOther… NHI COIDASARS Platform consumers Enabling Platform SASSA NSSFRAFUIF DATA HUB INTEGRATION HUB SERVICE HUB SASSARAFNHIEtc..
7 Information Systems Architecture Integration Layer Platform Service & Data Providers Service Layer Integrated / Master Beneficiary Register TaxPayer / Citizen DB Beneficiary Shared Reference Data Organisation Reference Claims Reference Location Reference Service Register Automated shared processes Asset mngmnt Debt liabilities Allocatio n Process Claims Process Payment Process transfers Process …… Atomic Services VerifyID GetBeneficiaryInfo RegisterBeneficiary RegisterEmployer GetIncomeLevel Paycontribution Deregister/transfer… Composite Services CalculateEligibility EnrollBeneficiary ClaimBenefit GetClaimsHistory … Cluster services Enrolment Collections Funds Administration Payment … Analytics Business Intelligence GIS Data & Service Governance SAPOOther… NHI COIDASARS Platform consumers Enabling Platform Batch services Data Up/Down Load Reports … SASSA NSSFRAFUIF Security SARS Home Affairs 3 rd partyUIFNSSFSASSARAFNHIEtc..
8 Information Systems Architecture Integration Layer Platform Service & Data Providers Service Layer Integrated / Master Beneficiary Register TaxPayer / Citizen DB Beneficiary Shared Reference Data Organisation Reference Claims Reference Location Reference Service Register Automated shared processes Asset mngmnt Debt liabilities Allocation Process Claims Process Payment Process transfers Process …… Analytics Business Intelligence GIS Data & Service Governance SAPOOther… NHI COIDASARS Platform consumers Enabling Platform SASSA NSSFRAFUIF Security SARS Home Affairs 3 rd partyUIFNSSFSASSARAFNHIEtc..
9 Technology Consideration Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services Business Intelligence (BI) Geographic Information System (GIS) Mass Data Management (MDM) creates single view of beneficiary, real time data cleansing. Data comparisons Cloud Computing opportunities storage and processing power Business Process Management (BPM) Identity Management (IDM) for purposes of user access management and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for verification of access and digital signatures
10 Background Service Oriented Architecture / Web Services Platform Service & Data Providers Service Oriented Architecture / Web Services Mass Data Management Business Process Management Business Intelligence SAPOOther… NHI COIDASARS Platform consumers Enabling Platform SASSA NSSFRAFUIF IDM & PKI GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM SARS Home Affairs 3 rd partyUIFNSSFSASSARAFNHIEtc..
11 Solution Benefits BenefitDescription Single View of Social Security Beneficiaries Information System integration of the social security functions will enable the creation of a single beneficiary register which will provide an overview of all social security services accessed by individuals. Information SharingSocial Security institutions can share their data with one another through the Center making it possible to Identify anomalies across the social security system and act on time. Eliminate double dipping and fraud. This can also help with other statistical services such as Monitoring and evaluation, forecasting and policy development Reduced Administration CostsThe Center can operate and offer a comprehensive set of services through out the social security value chain which can be shared among the social security institutions or operators thereby reducing the cost of benefit administration Improved Service DeliverySharing of IS and resulting economies of scale will ensure that much needed resources are available for improvement of the social security service delivery through improvement and enhancement of system to support social security
12 Implementation option Establishment of Integrated Hub, Integrated Master Beneficiary Register/ (MSSR) Initial SSSICCFY11/12FY12/13Post 2014 Customisation of existing System/s for Value Chain functions of Enrolment and Account Administration Building of Fund or Asset Management services Customisation of SARS Collection services Building of comprehensive Payment services Comprehensive Social Security Information System Services for cross referencing and distribution of contributions Implementation of ACB Payment services Offer composite and cluster services to agencies ready to consume Integration of all services and functions into end-end services FY13/14 Basic Service End-to-End Value Chain services IMBRImplementImprove and Integrate Leverage Exploit synergies
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