Window Movie Maker 2
Introduction: Windows Movie Maker is video creating/editing software. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration, and Auto Movie.
Window Movie Maker 2
Features: * Creating and editing videos. * Including a variety of transition effects. * Capture videos from external sources. * Saving and sharing your movie on the Internet * Save your movie in the CD.
Window Movie Maker 2 Features: * You can work with all kinds of video files, music files and image files. The following formats are compatible with Windows Movie Maker: * Video files:.asf,.avi,.m1v,.mp2,.mp2v,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpv2,.wm,.wmv and dvr-ms. * Image files:.bmp,.dib,.emf,.gif,.jfif,.jpe,.jpg,.png,.tif,.tiff and.wmf. * Audi files:.aif,.aifc,.aiff,.sf,.au,.mp2,.mp3,.mpa,.snd,.wav and.wma.
Window Movie Maker 2 System Requirement: * Windows XP or higher. * A 600 magahertz (MHz) processor, such as an Intel Pentium III. * 2 gigabytes (MB) of RAM. * An audio capture device (to capture audio from external sources). * An Internet connection (to save and send a movie to the Web or to send a movie as an attachment in an message)