AIM General Body Meeting January 23, 2007
Our Mission AIM strives to educate students on campus about foreign markets. By selecting a specific country each year, members explore the economic, political, social, and cultural aspects of the given market. These aspects are studied on campus, and are complemented by a yearly international trip during which students learn directly from the business people who live and work in the country.
Committees International Domestic Finance Human Resources Marketing Alumni
International Spring 2005: Puerto Rico
International Spring 2006: Belgium
International Spring 2007: Spain
International Spring 2007: Spain
CHAIR: Sanket Korgaonkar Company Visits Travel & Accommodation Logistics Tourist Activities Group Dinners International: External
CHAIR: Kyle Wang Collaborate with External Internal Development Resume Workshops Info Sessions on Business Etiquette/Dress Plan Social and Cultural event with HR International: Internal
Domestic Kyu Bin Lee, Andrea Fang Trip to Washington D.C. Friday, April 6th Visits to: Treasury, Federal Reserve or Spainish Embassy Free exploration time Speaker events Last year: “Paradoxes of Globalization” - Prof. Guillen This year: Professor dinner Speaker events
Multicultural Event CHAIR: Anthony Orlando AIM Multicultural Event: Spring 2008 Ideas: Keynote Speakers, Panel Discussions, Buffet Dinner, & Multicultural Performances Do you want to plan Wharton’s most exciting new event from the bottom up? To get involved, talk to Anthony Orlando after meeting or
Finance VP of Finance: Allyson Goetschius Business Services: Nanxi Ling Corporate Sponsorship Fundraising
Human Resources CHAIR: Bill MacMillan Preparation for Trip to Spain Potluck Dinner Language/Cultural Crash course Future events Booking Nyman Group Strikes Social Restaurant Week: Amada
Marketing CHAIR: Kunal Rai Publicity Flyers Posters Plasma Screen Spike Calendar s
Alumni Relations CHAIR: Darris Lee Maintain database of all AIM and AIM trip alumni Develop and send out monthly update of AIM activities Establish strong relationships with AIM/Penn alumni we have visited or could visit on trips
AIM Membership Bill MacMillan List the committee(s) you would like to join
Thank You for Coming!