Latin America: Argentina & Brazil Past, Present & Future
Latin America 10,000 Km = Nagoya to Paris
One Subcontinent 562 million people 20 Countries U$ 3.3 trillion GDP Spanish, Portuguese, French languages Resource rich (oil, land, water, minerals) Under colonial rule from XVI to XIX century Indians, Europeans, Africans, Asians (Chinese and Japanese) Brazil & Peru: largest nikkei communities in the world
Differences Colonial history People Culture Political regimes Economic structure Soccer skills!
Inner differences… Colonization schemes Aborigines, immigrants Individualism Cultural values Political regimes Economic structure Soccer skills!
Latin America Today General Scenario Democracy (more than years) Market economies (except socialism oriented Cuba & Venezuela) (Post Import Substitution) trade openness Economy Steady growth (4.55% in 2006, 4.23% in 2007) Inflation under control (4.2% in 2006,but 14.1% in 2007) (Official) Unemployment still high (9.1% in 2004) Exports (main partners: US, China, Europe) – Industrial components (e.g. Mexico, Brazil) – Commodities (e.g. Chile, Argentina)
Brazil Facts Population: million Area: 8,514,877 km² (5 th ) GDP per capita (PPP): U$ 9,700 Federative Republic: 26 states, 1 FD Lula President: Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (since 2003) Economic Facts Interest rate: 12 % Gini coefficient (UN): 0.57 HDI: WB Doing Business Rank: 122 nd (113 in 2007) GDP growth: 4.3% in 2007 (4.1% in 2006)
FieldRanking Ease of Doing Business122 Starting a Business122 Dealing with Licenses107 Employing Workers119 Registering Property110 Getting Credit84 Protecting Investors64 Paying Taxes137 Trading Across Borders93 Enforcing Contracts106 Closing a Business131 Pending issues Red Tape harnessing private sector Politicization of regulatory agencies’ and state companies’ Adequate Protection of the Environment Overcome issues Political / Macroeconomic predictability Public Foreign Debt Public Policy to Redistribute Income
Argentina Facts Population: 39.4 million Area: 2,766,890 km² (8 th ) GDP per capita (PPP): U$ 13,307 Federative Republic: 24 provinces President: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (since 2007) Economic Facts Interest rate: 11.1 % Gini coefficient (UN): 0.49 HDI: WB Doing Business Rank: 109 (101 in 2007) GDP growth: 9.1% in 2007 (8.2% in 2006)
Pending issues Predictability and coherent policies Inflation ghost Growing inequality + growing insecurity Corruption + Regulatory burden Overcome issues Political past Debt restructuring (still some not paid debt) Environment as political objective
Challenges Stark income inequality Heritages of protectionist, state-led industrialization Poor quality, lacking infrastructure Poor industry regulation Rigid, heavily charged labor market
LA challenges and our hopes