1 1 Comparing LRP to a Put Option Dr. G. A. “Art” Barnaby, Jr Kansas State University Phone: (785) Check out our WEB at: AgManager.info
2 2 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Outline LRP Feeder Cattle Coverage LRP Premium LRP Indemnity Payment Compare LRP with CME Put Option Market for LRP LRP Issues LRP Education
3 3 What is LRP? A CME put option is an option on the underlining futures contract. LRP is an option on the CME feeder cattle cash index price.
4 4
5 5 Price Adjustment Factors (PAF) Weight Range Predominately Brahman Predominately Dairy SteersHeifers <6.0 cwt110%100% cwt100%90% 80%
Week LRP Guarantee Example on 5.0 cwt Steer Calves Commodity: 50 head Feeder cwt Type: Steers under 6.0 cwt Expected ending value: $ per cwt X 110% = $ Coverage level:94.37 % Coverage price: % X $ = 108 per cwt Insured Value:50 hd X 100% Share X 5.0 cwt x $108= $27,000 End date: 09/14/2005 End date: 09/14/2005 Rate:$ per insured dollar Total Premium $ X $27,000 = $813 Farmer Paid Premium:$813 X ( ) = $707 Farmer cost per cwt:$707/5.0 cwt/50 hd = $2.828 cwt
7 7 Example LRP Indemnity Payment If the CME Feeder Cattle Cash Index Price on the last day of LRP coverage is below the guarantee, indemnity is paid. Coverage price: $108 per cwt CME Index Price: $90.91 on final LRP day X 110% = $100 Payment Rate:$108 - $100 Adj. CME Index = $ 8.00 cwt Indemnity Payment: 50 hd X 100% Share X 5.0 cwt x $8= $2,000
8 8 Total Revenue for Example 50 Steers Insured Value: $27,000 LRP Indemnity Payment:$2,000 Cash Sales: ?? Total Revenue: ?? Basis Risk: The price basis risk or difference between local cash and CME price index. The calves may not perform, both weight and quality. Time basis risk, LRP does not settle on the day of the cash sale. Death Loss
9 9 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
10 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
11 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage LRP & Put do NOT expire on the same date, most of the time LRP & Put do not have the same expected price or strike value LRP is an European Option, no right to exercise So one can NOT compare cash cost because they do not have the same coverage & expiration dates
12 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage LRP priced using option pricing model (John C. Hull, published by Prentice Hall) Calculate implied volility from current CME option premiums Calculate current “fair market” option premium for LRP based on LRP expiration date, European option, LRP expected market price, and LRP strike
13 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage LRP Premium = $2.58
14 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
15 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
16 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
17 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
18 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage
19 Compare Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Contract with Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Put Option Premiums for Similar Coverage Add in 12 point CAT load and Calculated premiums are “about the same” as the LRP premium set by RMA Little effective net subsidy from 13% subsidy Any “effective subsidy” will be similar to no commissions being charged to producers
20 Cost of Risk Reduction with Insurance: Loss Ratios (cost = 100-LR) accident and health (1997 only)82.6 commercial auto67.0 passenger auto66.2 homeowners66.5 product liability71.4 medical malpractice56.7 workers’ compensation63.3 private crop hail60-70 ? federal crop insurance150 to 200 ??
21 Participation and Loss Ratios for Livestock Insurance July 2003-June 2004 July 2004-June 2005
22 Producer’s LRP Advantages LRP premiums are “fair” but they are priced similar to “market value” and little (no) “effective” producer subsidy. Flexible contract size Flexibility to incremental minimum price a few head at a time
23 OPERATIONS WITH BEEF COWS, BY SIZE CATEGORY, SELECTED STATES, 2002 State1-49Head50-99Head Head Less Than 500 Head 500+HeadTotal CO6,3001,7002,25010, ,500 KS18,6005,2004,02027, ,000 NE12,2004,2005,07021, ,000 TOTAL37,10011,10011,34059, ,500 Source: USDA
24 Producer’s LRP Advantages Premiums are tax deductible, not true when producers mix speculative with hedging in their futures account Commission on LRP are paid by RMA May receive better loan terms on LRP insured cattle Producers may purchase LRP on calves: later retain ownership through back grounding & insure; later retain ownership through fatting & insure Under the above scenario producers would have 3 LRP contracts on the same calves, or they could purchase fewer LRP contracts but with later expiration dates Orders are filed at the stated premium
25 CME Feeder Cattle, Oct 04 Option, Future price: (3/15/05)
26 Producer’s LRP Disadvantages Cannot exercise or cancel LRP contract. An issue if cattle are sold early because of drought damaged pastures. Contracts offered in 4 week increments and may not match cash sale. Sell cattle 30 days early and offset the put on the same day, but LRP remains in force until it expires 30 days later leaving the producer is a short spec position.
27 Producer’s LRP Disadvantages Replace sold cattle with a long futures and maintain LRP hedge but one Cannot take an offsetting position Limited to 2,000 feeders, and 4,000 fat cattle Can not roll up the put coverage in a rising market
28 Producer’s LRP Disadvantages Coverage is always greater than 5% out of the money and in some cases almost 10% The expected net subsidy from crop insurance is about 50% but none is expected for LRP If company exceeds its premium limit, producers with that company’s policy can not buy additional SCEs even though other companies still have capacity to sell
29 Lender’s LRP Advantages Lenders may prefer LRP over a put to cover loan collateral Producers can not cancel the coverage No “Texas Hedge” Legally LRP is insurance, so Lenders can take a security interest in the contract Purchased from a crop insurance agent
30 Insurance company issues There is only one private reinsurance company for LRP The SRA for livestock shifts more of the risk to the insurance company The losses will be highly correlated and in a falling market there will be large indemnity payments The annual LRP experience will generate either very large underwriting gains or very large underwriting losses
31 Extension Education All day workshop using a cow-calf case problem. Allows producers to compare puts and LRP. Analysis and discussion posted on AgManager.info Radio programs “30 minute” awareness meetings Extension bulletins
32 Summary-LRP LRP does not guarantee a cash price LRP protects against a negative change in CME Cash Index Price LRP does NOT guarantee the basis Policy does not cover any other peril
33 Thank You DR. G. A. “ART” BARNABY, JR. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY PHONE: Check out our WEB page at