Enzymes 2 nd Year Dentistry By Eman Mokbel Alissa, Ph.D.
Lecture (1): Lecture Content Enzyme Definition Enzymes vs. biological catalysts Enzyme Nomenclature –Recommended name and IUBMB system Enzyme Classification –Simple and complex enzymes
Lecture (2): Lecture Content Coenzymes Properties of enzymes: 1.Catalytic efficiency 2.Location within cell 3.Enzyme active site 4.Specificity 2 hypothesis of enzyme specificity
Lecture (3): Lecture Content Mechanism of enzyme action Mechanism of enzyme catalysis The Enzyme Substrate Complex Factors Affecting Reaction Velocity
Lecture (4): Lecture Content Enzymes Kinetics Michaelis-Menten equation Linweaver-plot Types of Enzyme Specificity Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis
Lecture (5): Lecture Content Enzymes Inhibitors: –Reversible and irreversible –Competitive and uncompetitive Medical relevance of enzyme Inhibitors Antibiotics Enzymes Clinical Application
Lecture (6): Lecture Content Common Terminology Allosteric enzymes Allosterism vs. cooperativity Allosteric Enzymes Kinetics Feed back inhibition Homotropic and Heterotropic effectors Enzyme Activity Regulation 1.Induction and repression 2.Covalent modification 3.Compartmentalization
Lecture (7): Lecture Content Enzyme measurements Plasma Enzymes Serum enzymes in Diagnosis Isoenzymes