final state study Jaewon Park University of Rochester MINERvA/Jupiter Group Meeting, Feb 21, 2007
2 Energy calibration ID+ECAL+HCAL Single pi0 (theta=0) beam E(pi0)=100MeV to 1GeV Energy response is nonlinear function of bea m energy especially in low energy region If minimum gamma energy is required, calibr ation got better but loose efficiency Nonlinear calibration is tried, but it’s not good idea. Infinite ID
3 mass Pi0 mass is determined from two gamma energ y and angle between the m To find out contribution of each error, try with tr ue value Reco edep + true dir True edep + reco dir Error of angle gets large r as E increases. Pi0 mass shift is due to nonlinear energy respon se at low energy region.
4 2mm lead ECAL is used In nonlinear calibration I used instead of mass in infinite ID It’s very similar to True edep + reco dir in ID+ECAL+HCAL Remarks
5 mass in infinite ID 2mm lead ECAL is used In nonlinear calibration I used inst ead of