1 What is marination 1. Ingredient Delivery System 2. Four basic elements Substrate Marinade Process Treatment (s) Packaging
2 Why marinate? Flavor enhancement Tenderization Product consistency Increase shell life: protection from thermal abuse, microbial growth Add Value!
3 Type of Substrate Process / Technology / Machinery Desired Outcome Ingredient Selection Criteria
4 Degree of marination penetration and dispersion Marinade pickup % Up to 10% is marinade. Over 10%: label must say “in a solution of” “injected with” “with ___ added” or “pumped with” % Protein Extraction Process Variation
5 Marination Processes Soaking Immersion Drenching Tumble no vacuum Tumble with vacuum Massage Injection
6 Tumbling 1. Tumbling was first called massaging and was invented for ham processing in Europe many years ago. 2. The idea did not cross the Atlantic until the 1960s 3. Tumbling usually involves a stationary drum with paddles
7 Tumbler
8 Tumbling The marinade is forced into the meat by the action of it dropping down from the top of the tumbler while it is turning. Tumblers:different sizes and shape of drums and paddles for different applications
9 Tumbling Process Variations Size and Shape of Tumbler Amount of product in Tumbler Time Vacuum Temp of Marinade and Product
10 Primary Functions of Tumbling Uniform distribution of marinade Brings salt soluble proteins to the surface of the meat. Control amount of salt and sodium nitrate needed in curing process. Reduce Curing, Processing and Cooking Time
11 Primary Functions of Tumbling.. Maximize yield and make yield uniformity Improve color and make color uniform Improve slicing characteristics To salvage protein that would have been leached out from the tissue
12 Curing Vs. Tumbling In curing brine movement is due to osmotic pressure alone. Tumbling accelerate this process due to movement of the muscle tissue. If injection is used without tumbling, it could take 3-4 days to obtain the same uniform penetration. If soaking is used, an uniform penetration may never be achieved.