Internet Backup Michael White Ross Schneider Jordan Divine
The Scenario Magnetic tape backups Magnetic tape backups Storing 2 TB of data each week Storing 2 TB of data each week 7 servers - Storage Area Network (SAN) 7 servers - Storage Area Network (SAN)
The Problem 14 Tapes only hold 150 GB a piece 14 Tapes only hold 150 GB a piece IT personnel uses portable device, holding tapes IT personnel uses portable device, holding tapes Staff are traveling 50% of the time Staff are traveling 50% of the time 19 hours to backup all data 19 hours to backup all data Takes time to find backed up information on tape Takes time to find backed up information on tape
Benefits of Change Data is more secure Data is more secure More accessible More accessible Requires less staff Requires less staff
Stakeholders IT support staff IT support staff Less Work Less Work Easier Backup Recovery Easier Backup Recovery Possible personnel cutback Possible personnel cutback Time and effort Time and effort Management Management Less physical management Less physical management Architects Architects Able to backup information from anywhere Able to backup information from anywhere
Culture & Flow of Work Access to files from anywhere in the country Access to files from anywhere in the country Fewer IT personnel working late at night Fewer IT personnel working late at night Less mail sent from offices Less mail sent from offices Creates more space Creates more space Backup from anywhere Backup from anywhere
Option 1 - Digitiliti Cost: $2,940 per month, using StorForward Cost: $2,940 per month, using StorForward Scans computer for files that need to be backed up, and when it needs to be completed Scans computer for files that need to be backed up, and when it needs to be completed 36 month contract 36 month contract Compression and encryption, Digital signature Compression and encryption, Digital signature Common File Elimination Common File Elimination Delta Blocking Delta Blocking Minimizes backup window and maximizes bandwidth Minimizes backup window and maximizes bandwidth
Option 1 – Digitiliti (cont.) Backups home computers and laptops Backups home computers and laptops Membership depends on size of data, not number of computers Membership depends on size of data, not number of computers Software for PCs – free Software for PCs – free Resources – continuously monitored, reducing bottlenecks Resources – continuously monitored, reducing bottlenecks
Option 2 – Data Protection Services Cost: $ (pending discounts) Cost: $ (pending discounts) Setup: minutes Setup: minutes Discounts for service, yearly pre-payments, and off-peak backups Discounts for service, yearly pre-payments, and off-peak backups Burn files to DVD or CD-ROM, and mail them directly to clients Burn files to DVD or CD-ROM, and mail them directly to clients Mobile Vault Restores for large volumes of data Mobile Vault Restores for large volumes of data Free tech support Free tech support
Option 3 – New Tape Backup Sun StorEdge L25 Tape Library Sun StorEdge L25 Tape Library Cost: $7400 Cost: $ Mb/s, 6.3 TB native storage 72 Mb/s, 6.3 TB native storage Solaris 8/9 OS, 21 cartridges, 1-2 drives Solaris 8/9 OS, 21 cartridges, 1-2 drives SDLT 600 tapes, backwards compatible SDLT 600 tapes, backwards compatible 8 hours for full backup 8 hours for full backup
Option 4 - DO NOTHING!! IT Personal
Return on Investment (ROI) All Options: All Options: More time for IT to work, saves money More time for IT to work, saves money DPS & Digitiliti: DPS & Digitiliti: Greater cutbacks in IT hours Greater cutbacks in IT hours Less equipment to manage Less equipment to manage Tape Drive: Tape Drive: More on-site storage More on-site storage Lower long-term fees Lower long-term fees
Risks Internet Backups: Internet Backups: Down Internet connection Down Internet connection Internet company going bankrupt Internet company going bankrupt Tape Backup: Tape Backup: Bad tapes Bad tapes Still need IT personnel managing tapes Still need IT personnel managing tapes
Our Choice… Digitility Digitility Lower Price Lower Price Allows for backing up of PC’s and Laptops for free Allows for backing up of PC’s and Laptops for free Highly secure encrypted transmission and storage Highly secure encrypted transmission and storage
Implimentation Timeline Contact April 15 th, 2005 Contact April 15 th, 2005 Installation May 1 st, 2005 Installation May 1 st, 2005 First complete system backup by May 8 th, 2005 First complete system backup by May 8 th, 2005 Staff trained by June 1 st, 2005 Staff trained by June 1 st, 2005
Works Cited Traverse Engineering Services, Hancock, MI Traverse Engineering Services, Hancock, MI