Marc Compeau; Wednesday 6/30/2004 People Management
1.Review / Collect worksheet 1 2.Linking leadership and company growth 3.Recruiting and selecting the RIGHT people for the company and its growth strategy 4.Motivating employees 5.Building culture 6.Customer Service 7.How to “use” customers to achieve strategy Sneak Peek Today’s Agenda
Worksheet 1 Review Easy? Check for SMART goals What did this exercise provide? Next steps
Last week, we focused on goal setting and growth…setting a strategy. Today, we focus on an important aspect of achieving strategies…people. Today’s 2 key points: 1.Start with a strategy…then find the right people to help you achieve the strategy. 2.Ask your customers to help you achieve your goals. Topic Overview
1.What is leadership? (your own definition) 2. What is management? Discussion questions
People quit people, they rarely quit companies, what does this mean to you? What are the key steps involved in hiring the right people? Part One People (employees)
Once you recruit and select the right employees, how do you keep them motivated? E = MC 2 People quit people, they rarely quit companies Part One People (employees)
Understanding Implications Do you provide performance reviews and/or recognition? People quit people, they rarely quit companies
What is culture? How is it related to growth? Examples of positive culture? Negative Culture? Why is culture critical to you right now? Culture
Key to success #1: Your business exists for three reasons: 1.Solve a customer’s problem 2.Make a customer feel good 3.Both. Part two People (Customers)
Key to success # 2: Experience – Expectations = Customer service Secret…Customers love surprises! Another secret…Love your customers and they will love you back
Customers Key to success #3: In the absence of value, price is always an issue How do you define value?
Customers Key to success #4: Ask, ask, ask – it’s amazing what you can see just by looking.
Each member has been assigned a partner You each have 2 responsibilities 1.Work hard to achieve the goals you have set 2.Work harder to encourage and support your partner’s efforts to achieve their goals MSB Partner Program
Worksheet 2 review What is break even and how can it make my day? Cash flow, friend or foe? How to make your banker love you. Sneak Peek at next week