Schlieren Visualization Method Team Members: Christopher Rauda Richard Nguyen Henry Luong Advisors: Dr. Trinh Pham Dr. Darrell Guillaume
Combustion Project ExhaustParticulatesSchlierenReactiveFlowVisualizationNon-ReactiveFlowVisualization
Overview Project Objective Background Current Set Up Progress Questions
Project Objective To make a relationship between the Schlieren method and swirl number.
Background The strong favorable effects of applying swirl to injected air and fuel are used to stabilize the high intensity combustion process and an efficient clean combustion Swirl is characterized by S = G φ / G z r o Where G φ and G z are tangential and axial momentum Swirl number calculation approaches a University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Greece
Background What is Schlieren? ♦Schlieren method illustrates density gradients. ♦This method utilizes optical mirrors and lenses to produce an image. ♦These are the range in densities found within the flow.
Z-Type Schlieren
Schlieren Setup Parabolic Mirrors Condenser lense Light Source Slit
Current Progress Successful Schlieren set up Construction of flow meter mount Installation of pressure gages Created connection of tubing to combustion chamber ♦Air ♦Fuel Initial test of combustion chamber
Non-Reactive Flow Visualization Joe Ortega Ana Ramos Ana Siu Duc Do Advisors: Dr. Trinh Pham Dr. Darrell Guillaume
Overview Background Objective Equipment Setup Progress Future Work
Background Non Reactive Flow ♦Making transparent fluid flow visible without combustion Non-reactive flow visualization consists of laser tomography – imaging technique used to create “laser sheet” to “light” fluid flow Using this method to appreciate the flow structures and compare with reactive flow
Objective To produce visual-flow field using: ♦Laser ♦Materials To capture field with a camera To analyze the images captured
Setup Equipment Laser/Optics Table Setup ♦Melles Griot 35 mW-head Laser Red Dot ♦Laser Stop ♦Laser Barrier ♦Laser Mount ♦Glass Rods ♦Glass-Rod Support ♦Tin Cans as mixing and combustion chamber prototypes ♦Flow Meter
Laser Flow Visualization Schematic The simplest method of visualizing flow structures Laser Glass Rod Laser Sheet BarrierLaser stop Test area Combustion Chamber Optics TableLaser Mounts
Setup Power Box Laser Laser stop Barrier
Accomplishments Tested Laser beam through different materials ♦Smoke Bombs ♦Dry Ice ♦Incense Sticks Partially Constructed Air-Smoke Mixing Chamber ♦Used Incense
Dry Ice and Incense Experiments
Short-Term Goals Complete Air-Smoke Mixing Chamber Test Mixing Chamber with prototype chamber
Acknowledgements Dr. Trinh Pham Dr. Darrell Guillaume Christopher Reid Juan Pablo Barquero Tawana Guillaume Robert Aguilar Gustavo Aceves NASA CSULA Combustion Team