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1.2 Salary Let’s talk mad money ya’ll!
Do you like money? Rose earns a salary of $636 bi weekly. Arlene’s salary is $1380 monthly. Assume the jobs would be equally enjoyable to you. Whose pay would you prefer? Explain why. Write the answer in you notes: – EXPLAIN WHY and SHOW ANY MATH that supports your decision. – If you’re unsure than try to make the best decision you can. Say you don’t know why and give your best answer.
Salary Salary: pay for work regardless of how much you work. – What would be an example of job that would pay a salary? Wage: pay for work by the hour. – What would be an example of job that would pay a wage?
Textbook practice Let’s take a look at the example on textbook page 4.
Practice Awesome! Now you try “Worksheet: 1.2 Salary”. Remember you can use a calculator. Please write the date, page number and question number at the top of the page. Show all work, including any mistakes!