The Montage Image Mosaic Service: Custom Mosaics on Demand ESTO John Good, Bruce Berriman Mihseh Kong and Anastasia Laity IPAC, Caltech


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Presentation transcript:

The Montage Image Mosaic Service: Custom Mosaics on Demand ESTO John Good, Bruce Berriman Mihseh Kong and Anastasia Laity IPAC, Caltech M51 2MASS J-band, 0.2 x 0.2 deg. Wall clock time 26s

What Is Montage? Montage is a portable, scaleable toolkit for producing science-grade image mosaics from input FITS images Preserves astrometry and flux of input images Delivers mosaic according to users specifications Rectifies background radiation to a common level Utilities for, e.g., creating 3-color images & tiling images Code available for download at Over 300 downloads by astronomers In active use in supporting processing pipelines & data product generation, E/PO, quality assurance and science analysis Design: see Berriman et al. 2004, ASP Conf 314, ADASS XIII, 593; Berriman et al. 2003, ASP Conf 295, ADASS XII, 343 Ubeda and Pellerin 2007, Ap J Lett. 3-color IRAC images of GRSMC Ogle et al 2007, Ap J. 3-color IRAC mosaic of 3C 326

Mosaic Service Front End Data sets supported 2MASS All Sky (IRSA) SDSS DR6 (FermiLab) DSS (Space Telescope) Usage Restrictions for First Release 1 deg on a side max 10 simultaneous jobs Results kept for 72 hours Account set-upMonitoring Options Wall clock time 184 s

Job Control & Monitoring Completed Jobs Jobs Running. Status refreshed every15s... and/or notification Bookmark and return later...

Sample Results Page

Design Drivers for Mosaic Service Cluster housed at IRSA/IPAC Rapid response and high throughput Pathfinder for projects such as LSST Design Goals Inexpensive, commodity hardware Highly fault-tolerant Scaleable, extensible and distributable Portable, open source software Modular software for maintainability & extensibility to other applications Hardware Choices 15 Xeon 3.2-GHz dual-processor dual-core (60 threads) Dell 2650 Power Edge servers Aberdeen Technologies 6-TB RAID-5 disk farm for staging files Total Cost US$ 60K

Throughput Specifications 15 Dual-processor dual-core compute nodes  60 simultaneous independent jobs. Throughput: 15 square degrees of 2MASS mosaics a minute or 21,000 square degrees a day (arcsecond resolution) or Almost 2 TB of image data/day Data transfer is ultimate performance limitation Distributed processing overcomes this problem Wall Clock Timing Comparisons - NGC 5584, 0.4 deg x 0.4 deg 2MASS-J52 images638 s SDSS-g8 images184 s DSS-R1 image166 s

System Architecture Request Object Management Environment - Kong, Good and Berriman, ASP Conf Ser, 347, ADASS XIV, 213

Program Interface Prototype evaluated by Astrogrid Underlying ROME functionality is program-friendly by design; release wraps this with forms and HTML output for typical users. Prototype evaluated by Astrogrid. Functionality includes Request authentication) and password, easily extended to use certificates, etc. Polling, notification, and asynchronous (socket) messages. Requests / responses in HTML or XML; includes status information (such as job status filtering). Asynchronous aborts. ROME Processors can allow for control input via socket (via requests through ROME server). Distributed, heterogenous operations. Dedicated processing. Processors can limit the jobs to a specific applications or users √ √

Future Plans Upload table of sources Building cutout/mosaics for multiple sources. User-defined WCS. The service already supports arbitrary (user-supplied) FITS headers but not deployed Three-color images. User data. By uploading a image list (URLs), the user can mosaic their own data or data lists from IVO SIA services. Standard plates. Cutout from large (~5 degree) pre-built plates. A second cluster is currently being set up to handle such "production” runs. These upgrades require only wrappers around the “core” service