11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov. 2011 Slide 1 Philippe Chappuis IO Blanket Lead Engineer On Behalf of the ITER.


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Presentation transcript:

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 1 Philippe Chappuis IO Blanket Lead Engineer On Behalf of the ITER Internal Component Division & the Blanket Integrated Product Team An OVERVIEW of the ITER INVESSEL COMPONENTS

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 2 Content Update on the ITER Project Introduction on In vessel components The Blanket System The Divertor The in vessel Coil System Conclusion

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 3 Update on ITER

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 4 The future ITER site Staff Offices Electric Supply Parking Cooling Towers Cryo-plant Tritium building – 7 25 m x 80 m (~14000 m 2 ) Largest throughput in world (~300 kg/yr). Tokamak & Assy building – m x 81 m x 57 m high (~36,000 m 2 ) Hot cell 60 m x 70 m 39 Buildings, 180 hectares

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 5 Construction beginning of first buildings on the ITER platform…. On 22 nd December 2010 … million m 3 of earth levelled

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 6 On 30 th September 2011 ….. The poloidal field coil winding building – well underway The building is approximately 257 meters long, 45 meters wide and 18 meters high

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 7 Excavation for the Tokamak Complex has been completed in summer 2011 and the associated concrete works have commenced; this work, which includes the seismic isolation plinths and the upper basemat, will continue into 2012; The concrete for the lower floor (B2 level) of the Tokamak building will commence during the spring of 2012; Site Construction Progress: Tokamak Complex

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 8 On 30 th September 2011 ….. Construction of office building headquarters well under way – To be delivered summer 2012

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 9 Toroidal Field Coil Nb 3 Sn, 18, wedged Central Solenoid Nb 3 Sn, 6 modules Poloidal Field Coil NbTi, 6 Vacuum Vessel 9 sectors Port Plug heating/current drive, test blankets limiters/RH diagnostics Cryostat 24 m high x 28 m dia. Blanket 440 modules Torus Cryopumps, Major plasma radius 6.2 m Plasma Volume: 840 m 3 Plasma Current: 15 MA Typical Density: m-3 Typical Temperature: 20 keV Fusion Power: 500 MW Machine mass: 23,350 t (cryostat + VV + magnets) - shielding, divertor and manifolds: 7945 t port plugs - magnet systems: t; cryostat: 820 t Divertor 54 cassettes Correction Coils NbTi, 18 Feeders NbTi, 31 Cryostat Thermal shields The ITER Machine 3/4 PA signed

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 10 Overall Project Schedule for 2020 First Plasma

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 11 Introduction on In vessel components

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 12 ITER In-Vessel Components Divertor and Blanket directly face the thermonuclear plasma and cover an area of about m 2, respectively. All these removable components are mechanically attached to the Vacuum Vessel or Vessel Ports. Max heat released in the PFCs during nominal pulsed operation: 847 MW –660 MW nuclear power –110 MW alpha heating –77 additional heating Removed by three independent water loops (~1200 ks/s each) for the blanket + port plugs and one loop for the divertor (~1000 kg/s), at 3 MPa water pressure, ~70 °C Max Power to Blanket 704 MW Max power to Divertor 204 MW All components design following SDIC Blanket Divertor In Vessel coils

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 13 The blanket system Blankets

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 14 Blanket System Functions Main functions of ITER Blanket System: Exhaust the majority of the plasma power. Contribute in providing neutron shielding to superconducting coils. Provide limiting surfaces that define the plasma boundary during startup and shutdown.

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 15 Modules 1-6 Modules 7-10 Modules ~1240 – 2000 mm ~850 – 1240 mm Shield Block (semi-permanent) FW Panel (separable) Blanket Module 50% 40% 10% Blanket System 440 modules covering 620 m² 4.5 t

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 16 Blanket Design Major evolution since the ITER design review of Need to account for large plasma heat fluxes to the first wall -Replacement of port limiter by first wall poloidal limiters -Shaped first wall -Need for efficient maintenance of first wall components. -Full replacement of FW at least once over ITER lifetime -Remote Handling Class 1 Design change presented at the Conceptual Design Review (CDR) in February 2010 and accepted in the ITER baseline in May Post-CDR effort focused on resolving key issues from CDR, particularly on improving the design of the first wall and shield block attachments to better accommodate the anticipated electromagnetic (EM) loads. Present Design is mature, to be presented at PDR November 2011

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 17 I-shaped beam to accommodate poloidal torque Design of First Wall Panel

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide First Wall Finger Design SS Back Plate CuCrZr Alloy SS Pipes Be tiles Normal Heat Flux Finger: q’’ = ~ 1-2 MW/m 2 Steel Cooling Pipes HIP’ing Enhanced Heat Flux Finger: q’’ < ~ 5 MW/m 2 Hypervapotron Explosion bonding (SS/CuCrZr) + brazing (Be/CuCrZr)

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide Shield Block Design Slits to reduce EM loads and minimize thermal expansion and bowing Poloidal coolant arrangement Cooling holes are optimized for Water/SS ratio (Improving nuclear shielding performance) Cut-outs at the back to accommodate many interfaces (Manifod, Attachment, In-Vessel Coils) Basic fabrication method from either a single or multiple-forged steel blocks and includes drilling of holes, welding of cover plates of water headers, and final machining of the interfaces.

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 20 Current reference case with thickened inboard modules 17 kW Straighten Inboard Modules (+2.5 kW ± 1 kW) ~19.5 kW Reduce gaps from mm to 8 mm in the inboard (-0.75kW ± 0.25 kW) ~18.7 kW Increase 3 cm inboard Thickness (-4 kW ± 1 kW) ~14.7 kW ±2.25 kW Blanket Design and Neutronic Shielding Issue

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide BLANKETS DIVERTORS MANIFOLD Blanket attachments VACUUM VESSEL IN VESSEL COILS

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 22 Shield Block Attachment

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide Supporting R&D A detailed R&D program has been planned in support of the design, covering a range of key topics, including: -Critical heat flux (CHF) tests on FW mock-ups -Experimental determination of the behavior of the attachment and insulating layer under prototypical conditions -Material testing under irradiation -Demonstration of the different remote handling procedures A major goal of the R&D effort is to converge on a qualification program for the SB and FW panels -Full-scale SB prototypes (KODA and CNDA) -FW semi-prototypes (EUDA for the NHF FW Panels, and RFDA and CNDA for the EHF First Wall Panels). -The primary objective of the qualification program is to demonstrate that: -Supplying DA can provide FW and SB components of acceptable quality. -Components are capable of successfully passing the formal test program including heat flux tests in the case of the FW panel.

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 24 Blanket Remote Handling On-Rail Module Transporter -Shield blocks designed for ITER lifetime (semi-permanent component) -First wall panels to be replaced at least once during ITER lifetime (designed for 15,000 cycles). -Both are designed for remote handling replacement (FW: RH Class 1). -Blanket RH system procured by JA DA. -RH R&D underway.

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 25 The Divertor Divertor

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 26 CFC and W: armour XM-19: all multilinks (lugs and links) C63200: hollow pins of multilinks 316L(N)-IG: support structures 316L pipe: steel pipes CuCrZr-IG: heat sink Steel 660: bolts 5MW/M² 10MW/M² 5MW/M² Shield Block Attachment Divertor Design

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 27 First Divertor (CFC/W) is well into procurement phase (5 PAs) − PFCs: Last PA signed March Definition of QA for all parties done. Preparation for prototype manufacturing. − HHF Testing facility in RFDA: PA signed March Commissioning planned end − Cassette Body and integration: PA signature planned early 2012 Divertor Status HHF testing of Plasma Facing Units

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 28 All 3 Domestic Agencies have been qualified. CFC Armoured Areas 1000 cycles at 10 MW/m cycles at 20 MW/m 2 W Armoured Areas 1000 cycles at 3 MW/m cycles at 5 MW/m 2 Divertor Qualification Prototypes

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 29 Divertor: Proposal to Start with a full-W armour The original strategy was to start with a CFC/W divertor to be replaced with a full-W divertor before the nuclear phase. This strategy, which posed the lowest physics risks, requires the start of the construction of the 2 nd divertor set already during the construction phase of ITER. This can not be afforded any more. Either we extend operation of the CFC/W divertor into the nuclear phase of we start with a full-W divertor. The ITER licensing process does not foresee operation with CFC at the divertor target plates during the nuclear phase. A very important part of the licensing process, the Public Enquiry, has just been finished. Even a very limited operational period in DT on a CFC divertor, as has been proposed by STAC for the IO to consider in several occasions would require a modified safety file and a new public enquiry, with very uncertain results A strategy which assumes a simple continuation into DT operation with CFC, even for limited time is therefore impossible as things stand. A very important advantage is the significant cost savings of ~400 MEuro which provides a large proportion of the budget for investments including deferred procurement during the first 5 years of operation budget

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 30 Status of W Technology R&D in EU 2000 cycles at 15 MW/m 2 on W Most of all the W repaired monoblocks behaved like not-repaired ones 200°C, 0.1 and 0.5 dpa in tungsten - Successfully tested up to 18 MW/m 2 Unirradiated cycles x 20 MW/m 2 – no failure

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 31 The In Vessel Coils In Vessel coils

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 32 - Coils are placed as close as possible to the VV wall (leaving a gap of 20 mm for in-vessel diagnostic routing). - Outboard poloidal blanket manifold is routed over the ELM coils. - Blankets located over blanket manifold - Blankets possess cut-outs to accommodate the coils and the manifolds In-Vessel Coils Blanket Manifold The In Vessel Coils system

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 33 Design of In-Vessel Coils Stainless steel jacketed mineral insulated cable will used for both the ELM & VS coils. Both have the same outer jacket but VS coils will use thicker insulation (5 mm instead of 2.5 mm) and Cu instead of CuCrZr. ELMVS SS OD59 mm SS ID55 mm Cu OD50 mm45mm Cu ID33.3 mm30 mm Mineral Insulation thickness 2.5 mm5mm Copper alloyC18150C10700 Copper Mineral insulation Coolant passage 316 L(N) jacket

11 th AFPA ITER In vessel Components P. Chappuis Guilin 1 st to 4 th Nov Slide 34 Conclusions ITER project is on track following a new optimized schedule (SMP) associated to the Japan earthquake Blanket system is ready for PDR with design by Analysis following SDCIC& aiming at PA in 2013 Divertor is in procurement phase but a full Tungsten design will delay the initial planning In vessel Coils design is stable and are being implemented behind the Blankets with improves manifolds