GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: I & T Input to Monthly Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/2005 Elliott Bloom SU-SLAC Subsystem Manager Ken Fouts SU-SLAC Subsystem Engineering Manager Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 2 Agenda Each Subsystem Manager Should Present the following: Technical Status: –Last Month's Accomplishments –Near-term Milestones & Status towards them for next 3 months (from F2F) –Drawing Release Plan & Status required to achieve production milestones –Summary of issues & concerns –Open Design /manufacturing issues and closure plan for them –Status of Subsystem's Documentation & qualification program Cost & Schedule Status: –Present charts showing cost, schedule, and manpower status (will be supplied by the project controls team). Explain variances appearing on each chart, assess impacts, and identify corrective actions.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 3 Last Month's Accomplishments (1 of 4) Management –50 of 63 I&T documents and procedures in review/approval cycle. –Tracking hardware shortages for LAT integration. IFCT –Tower A Validated new trigger test scripts from Trigger group Receive and validated new CAL & TKR configurations CPTs, trigger optimization, calibration, data collection, aliveness test completed Van de Graaff testing in work. –Tower B FM105 integrated with TEM/TPS-B Completed Tower B installation into single bay test stand –CAL Removed and returned three (2) TEM’s and CAL 118 (spare) to NRL. –MGSE Completed rework of GPR. Completed proof test of integration stand, GPR and PAP’s. GPR fit-up to Grid Complete Moved stand to B33 and installed in Rm 104. Complete GPR lift off test to verify ACD clearance. Completed “L” bracket rework to accommodate ACD with greater clearance. Second Single Bay Stand Complete
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 4 IFCT (Cont’d) –Mechanical Systems Completed S/C Interface check Completed weight and CG measurement –Electronics Tem/TEM PS A,B handover –Completed safe to mate for ELX prior to hand-off Validated EM GASU –Validation in I&T identified errors that were reworked by ELX requiring return to ELX and retest –Two Tower Test Preparation In general a lot of testing in preparation for 2 tower test has been completed & bugs worked out. SVAC –Instrument analysis workshop with first flight tower data completed March 10. –Successful turn around for calibration of single tower data (4 hours). –Offline data processing system under CCB and working. Last Month's Accomplishments (2 of 4)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 5 Particle Test –Van de Graaff + BGO Monitor LAT-TD VG delivers 17.6 MeV gammas for I&T tests Single tower testing complete. –Muon Telescope (Bldg 33) LAT-TD Working (~1 Hz) for I&T tests (Single Tower Bay + Grid) Only gives an external trig when muon passes through the tower Used to complete single tower and trigger test. –Muon Telescope (New) (B101 Central Lab) Working (~.5 Hz) for I&T and test bed tests (Mini Tracker) –Am 241 Source LAT-TD , LAT-PS Source, procedure, handling equipment complete for single tower tests Tests in progress (2-3 hours). ECD 3/31 Last Month's Accomplishments (3 of 4)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 6 Online –LATTE released V&V’ed Installed in Bldg 33 flight directories –CAL V2 scripts assessment –LATTE 4.8/eLogbook Required by GEM changes needed by TRG Plan to complete by 4/1 Installed in B33 workstations 4/6 –Continued supported of CAL, TKR, INT and test suites. –Supported data taking, trigger and E2E script development. –Problem assessment and fixes a large part of online workload NCRs, support for cleanroom operations, support of subsystems scripts. –CCB activity and JIRA maintenance Last Month's Accomplishments (4 of 4)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 7 I&T MGSE/Grid Activities Weight and CG on Grid GPR return from rework Proof test completion GPR to Grid fit up Installing GPR and Grid in the Integration Stand Integration Stand in the cleanroom
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 8 I&T NCRs by month Open/Closed Status Month NCR opened Current Status
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 9 Integration Parts Shortage LAT-DS LAT Tower Assembly –These parts are first needed for Tower A and B into grid –Version -02 of LAT-DS is still in signoff but -02 bill of materials issues are listed here –Need Dates are within days and have an issue
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 10 Integration Parts Shortage LAT-DS CAL-TEM-TPS Module Assembly –Were first needed for assembling the CAL-TEM-TPS –Need Dates in the past with issues have already required workarounds Thermistor cables will be installed in a different location for CAL-TEM-TPS A and B. Shims were made in-house for the first two assemblies
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 11 Procedure Status 63 documents total 53 latest versions submitted for sign-off 50 are released
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 12 Procedure Status (1 of 5) – Management & Online
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 13 Procedure Status (2 of 5) - MGSE
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 14 Procedure Status (3 of 5) – IFCT Electrical
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 15 Procedure Status (4 of 5) – IFCT Mechanical
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 16 Procedure Status (5 of 5) – Particle & SVAC
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 17 Upcoming I&T Events –Accept Grid from Mechanical Systems (Complete) –Acceptance test EM PDU (ECD 4/6) –Install Tower B in Grid (ECD 4/1) –Build 2 tower test cables (ECD 4/1) –Receiving Tracker Tower 2 (ECD 4/2) –Complete 2 tower test procedure (ECD 4/6) –Two tower test power supply ready (ECD 4/8) –Integration of Tower A and B into Grid & functional test (ECD 4/11) –Two tower test (ECD 4/25)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 18 Single Tower I&T Sequence Install TKR in single bay Install CAL in met bay Install TEM/TPS in met bay Install CAL/TEM/TPS In single bay TKR LPT (optional) CAL CPT TEM/TPS LPT (optional) Aliveness Test TKR CPT CAL CPT TKR LPT (14/22MHz) CAL LPT (14/22MHz) Trigger Timing Optimization Data Collection Van de Graaff Test Am 241 High Rate Test
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 19 Roadmap to Two Tower Testing Grid mini-IRR Rework GPR to Grid Brackets Reinstall Grid in Integration Stand Run Tower B LPT in Grid Install Tower B in Grid Bay 4 Grid Survey Install Tower A in Grid Bay 0 Run EGSE Validation in Grid Run Tower A LPT in Grid Install EGSE in Grid Two Tower Testing (ECD 4/25) Complete Tower B Single Bay Tests
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 20 Two Tower Test Preparation Open EGSE Item Status –PDU GASU support in the grid. Support MGSE in fab. ECD 4/6 –Cable terminations at grid interface to EGSE MGSE complete. –EGSE locations (Test Crate and power supply). Location identified on Integration Stand Support MGSE in design. ECD 4/6 –PDU Operational Constraints without SIU. ELX to provide training for I&T –Harness routings and tie downs. Concept for routing and tie downs discussed. Routings to finalized on Grid.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 21 Two Tower Schedule from IRR in Nov 04
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 22 I&T Detail Schedule (1 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 23 I&T Detail Schedule (2 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 24 I&T Detail Schedule (3 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 25 I&T 9 Month Look Ahead (1 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 26 I&T 9 Month Look Ahead (2 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 27 I&T 9 Month Look Ahead (3 of 3)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 28 Online Goals for Next 6 Months Study & handle LATTE performance and scalability issues (use test bed) –Efficiency of LATTE for 16 tower running –Parallelize scripts for >= 4 tower LAT VSC support Rework LATTE 4 test scripts into LATTE 5 framework –Can get a leg up by starting this under LATTE 4 LATTE 5 –Understand and influence constraints from FSW and ISOC –Design –Document –Implement –Test (Test bed with VSC, offline ccsds packets from partial LAT) –V&V (Test bed with VSC) –Complete October 1, Develop LATTE 5 test scripts based on FSW’s LCI package SIIS Work –Training –LATTE 5 interface V&V Receive ACD LATTE 4 scripts –Rework as needed for LAT I&T Support and develop NRL Environmental Test third party monitoring data stream (New work, unplanned) –Awaiting requirements (Jack Goodman) Plan, setup, and test mobile Online computing rack for NRL Environmental Test and SA Observatory Testing ISOC planning and support –June 15: Ground Readiness Test LHK based Housekeeping stream from Bldg 33 Documentation Online CCBs
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 29 Tower A tests Outside flight grid In a nutshell –CCB (CM managed software) is in place. –Analyzing single tower data to provide input for two tower tests. Goals –SAS code release with new TKR recon - –More powerful tool with simpler numbering scheme –SAS code release with new CAL recon - –Allows charge injection calibration using SAS software –Pipeline infrastructure – in progress –Better dependency management for code updates –No issues foreseen for reprocessing of data –Calibrations - –Populate SAS/DB with calibration constants and retrieve them from DB including validation of algorithms –Trending - in progress –Correlate Housekeeping data with science data –MC generation – –Generate MC data sets for 1 tower –Data Analysis – in progress –Validate conversion from ELX to physical space –Develop analysis using TEM Diagnostics (focus is more on trigger) –Study effects from software “knobs” on data analysis
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 30 Two Tower tests inside flight grid (April) In a nutshell –We have a plan to get there. We foresee no show stoppers. Goals –Data Quality reports and configuration reports - in progress –Update for LAT tests based on feedback from users –Pipeline infrastructure - in progress –Reduce time spent on maintenance –Better dependency management for code updates –Have a code review of SVAC scripts with SAS/ISOC when use is proven. This will help transition from I&T to ISOC operations. –Calibrations – yet to happen –Receive multiple tower calibration code from SAS –Validate SAS code for multiple tower calibrations. –Trending - yet to happen –Production calibrations must be stored and validated in SAS SQL data base. –Update web based trending database (SVAC) and focus on development of queries applicable for operations (with ISOC) –Trend calibrations –MC generation - in progress –Generate MC data sets for 2 towers –Start MC/Data comparison aiming at LAT tests –Data Analysis - in progress –Improve tools for data analysis based on feedback from users –Develop and test algorithms for E2E tests aiming at updating them for LAT tests –Data analysis for multiple towers –Data analysis complete with one month after data delivered.
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 31 SVAC activities – next 6 months SVAC has 5 important phases according to hardware delivery 1.Tower A tests outside flight grid 2.Two-tower tests inside flight grid 3.Multiple tower tests with FSW 4.ACD tests at SLAC 5.LAT tests at SLAC and NRL There is a continuous process of engaging the LAT Collaboration to support offline data analysis through the Instrument Analysis Workshops –Workshop 3 - March 10, 2005 with single tower data – Great Start (45 registered, more showed up) –Workshop 4 – Summer 2005(TBR) – data from 8 (TBR) towers –Workshop 5 – TBD – LAT data analysis and MC validation
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 32 Issues & Concerns ISSUES Availability of flight assembly hardware. –Shortages identified by I&T and being worked with Subsystems. Flight Cables Flight Attachment Hardware MGSE Delivery Schedule –Schedule impact of the GPR rework CONCERNS Two Tower Test Planning –Test Configuration Definition I&T Procedure Development –Two tower test procedure (4/11/05 Need date)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 33 Level 3 Milestone Count
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 34 Level 3 Milestone List
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 35 Milestone Variance Explanation Schedule Impact –Currently on schedule to complete per the baseline plan. Cost Impact –None Corrective Action –Not Required
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 36 Cost Report
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 37 Cost Variance Explanation Why overrun/underrun? –Current rebaseline has zero cost variance What will be done to correct? –N/A
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 38 FTE Report (DOE/NASA-funded only)
GLAST LAT Project Technical/Cost/Schedule Review 03/31/ Integration and Test 39 FTE Variance Explanation Why overrun/underrun? –When operations like machining are completed in-house it is reported as labor but is still within the budgeted dollars. What is the impact? –Net impact will be zero. Work was done in-house rather than outside. What will be done to correct? –No action required at this time.