1968-The Eve of Destruction? zThe Tet Offensive-Vietnam zAmerican Attitudes on the War zEugene McCarthy- Come Clean for Gene zBobby Kennedy for President zThe My Lai Massacre zAssasinations zThe Establishment Fights Back- Chicago 1968
Tet Offensive- Jan 1968
S.E. Asia
Eugene McCarthy
Coming Clean for Gene
Robert F. Kennedy
Why Bobby decided to run?
zThe Tet Offensive
Why Bobby decided to run? zThe Tet Offensive zJohnson’s seeming rejection of the poor
Why Bobby decided to run? zThe Tet Offensive zJohnson’s seeming rejection of the poor zThe Continuing Crisis of the War
Why Bobby decided to run? zThe Tet Offensive zJohnson’s seeming rejection of the poor zThe Continuing Crisis of the War zMcCarthy’s showing in New Hampshire
Why Bobby decided to run? zThe Tet Offensive zJohnson’s seeming rejection of the poor zThe Continuing Crisis of the War zMcCarthy’s showing in New Hampshire zAnd Personal Ambition….
The My Lai Massacre
Martin Luther King Jr.
Columbia University 1968
Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH)
Jerry Rubin/Abbie Hoffman