Pluto, UB313, and VB12 (Sedna)
A little bit about Pluto: Part of the Kuiper Belt (region of frozen objects beyond Neptune) Considered ice dwarf Orbit is eccentric compared to other planets:
A little bit about UB313: Discovered in 2003 Roughly about 2x the size of Pluto 97 AU’s from sun Surfaced with methane ice like Pluto
A little bit about Sedna (VB12): Extremely elliptical orbit ¾ size of Pluto NOT a Kuiper Belt Object
Definition of a planet? There is no REAL definition of what a planet is… Purely historical. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are planets. Nothing else in the solar system is a planet. Historical plus. Mercury through Pluto are planets, as is any newly discovered object larger than Pluto. Gravitational rounding. Any object which is round due to its own gravitational pull and which directly orbits the sun is called a planet. Population classification. Just like the solar system very naturally divides itself between round objects and non-round objects, it also very naturally divides itself between solitary individuals and members of large populations.
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