Tools to keep track of the literature Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón AG Mueller-Roeber University of Potsdam GabiPD team - MPIMP April
Thousands of papers in hundreds of journals Computers: literature mining Who reads all that? Humans: mmmm, not really. How to make it easier?
Interest Listen to science news (hot papers). Keep track of TOCs of several journals Read reviews on specific papers. Using the same keywords to search PUBMED >1 per month/week General Specific
Listening to science news e.g. Podcast: you can subscribe and be kept up to date. Nature Science
e-TOC, e-alert Electronic table of contents: get an with the TOC. List of titles.
RSS, feed, channel RSS feed: Very similar to e-TOC. Usually includes the abstract! Using a RSS reader (also for blogs): Google Reader
Google (RSS) Reader
Google (RSS) Reader Adding subscriptions: Look for the RSS feed in the web page of the journal and copy. Add to the reader. Go to gReader
Periodic searches PubCrawler Automatic search Medline with a predefined query
Periodic searches PubCrawler