R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Analysis of the September data H. Kolanoski, K. Laihem, S. Riemann, A. Schälicke, DESY R. Dollan,T. Lohse, HU - Berlin
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Collected data Settings# of Superuns# of events L 340; S 140; T 22 T Superruns 60 Superruns 3.1 * *10 5 L 220; S 100; T 22 T 6 57 Superruns 30 Superruns 1.2 * *10 5 L 260; S 120; T 22 T 6 51 Superruns 32 Superruns 1.17 * *10 5 L 360; S 160; T 22 T 6 46 Superruns 26 Superruns 1.2 * *10 5 L 360; S 160; T 22 T 6 23 Superruns 14 Superruns 6.9 * *10 4 L 374; S 180; T 22 T 6 34 Superruns 24 Superruns 1.0 * *10 5
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 What has to be done Combine (reject) cycles Determine values for later used cuts Extract the signal -> subtract the Background Cut Normalize the data Determine the Energydeposition in the CsI Calculate Asymmetries Normalize again Correct Compare results
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 General for this analysis Only superruns are included (Sept. (Oct.) data
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 General for this analysis Only superruns are included (Sept. (Oct.) data Only gain1 low sensitivity (12bit) data are used 15bit
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 General for this analysis Only superruns are included (Sept. (Oct.) data Only gain1 low sensitivity (12bit) data All data are normalized (Beamcurrent, Photonflux)
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 General for this analysis Only superruns are included (Sept. (Oct.) data Only gain1 low sensitivity (12bit) data All data are normalized (Beamcurrent, Photonflux) Only central crystal are used for the asymmetry calculation
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 SuperrunsSuperruns +-+-
Pairing of superruns +-+-
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Toroid 6130 the histograms containe the signals of both cycles mean value und width are used for further analysis stable example more unstable example
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 PcalEPcalE the histograms containe the signals of both cycles mean value und width are used for further analysis Background is changing over the two cycles „stable Background“
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 The Cuts 3σ3σ 1σ1σ „Cut1“ „Cut2“
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 The Signals in the CsI Undulato on: Signal + Background Undulator off : Background Bg + signal Bg How the Background has to be subtracted to get a stable result? We tested several Methods:
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 NormalizationNormalization To the beamcurrent: Each signal and background event is normalized to its corresponding toroid signal s i, b j s i / I i, b j / I j To the photonflux: Each background subtracted signal is normalized to the readings of Ag1Sic ( s i – b j ) ( s i – b j ) / Φ γ
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Combining Signal and Background events time E dep CsI time E dep CsI time E dep CsI N = N s * N b N = N s + N b N = N s = N b time E dep CsI or „Meth.: C1“ „Meth.: D“
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 BG subtr. E dep in the CsI crystals Sum of two Gaussians with the same meanvalue is fitted to the Energydistribution: F fit = G 1 (μ,σ 1 ) + G 2 (μ,σ 2 ) = µ n s,n b - # of Signal/Background events in the fit FWHM - full width at half max. of the final fit
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetries A i S140(2nd) Linear fit of A i : A [%]ΔA [%]Χ 2 / ndf Meth. C / 220 Meth. C1 + Cut / 220 Meth. D / 220 Meth. D + Cut / 220
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetries A i S140(2nd) Linear fit of A i : define a figure of merit: A [%]ΔA [%]Χ 2 / ndfΔA χ [%] Meth. C / Meth. C1 + Cut / Meth. D / Meth. D + Cut /
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetries A i S140(2nd) Linear fit of A i : define a figure of merit: A [%]ΔA [%]Χ 2 / ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χbar [%] Meth. C / Meth. C1 + Cut / Meth. D / Meth. D + Cut / A i weighted with
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetries A i S140(2nd) Linear fit of A i : define a figure of merit: A [%]ΔA [%]Χ 2 / ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χbar [%] Meth. C / Meth. C1 + Cut / Meth. D / Meth. D + Cut / A i weighted with
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 ConclusionConclusion Combining every signal with every background event leads to the result with the smallest total uncertainty (Method D)
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 CorrectionCorrection on off Does the Undulator kick the beam when on ? Background changes for undulator on/off -> use Pcal to correct for it
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 CorrectionCorrection on off Does the Undulator kick the beam when on ? Background changes for undulator on/off -> use Pcal to correct for it
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 CorrectionCorrection on off Does the Undulator kick the beam when on ? Background changes for undulator on/off -> use Pcal to correct for it or
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Corection event by event Beamcurrent normalization : Photonflux normalization :
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 IP1 ~30 meters upstream E-166 Detector area (Top view) 0.4 X 0, Ti Bend PosSi 2, 3 Analyzer CsI Analyzer G_cal Ag-2Ag-1 e-e- e+e+ MeV, 10 9 ), E tot ~ TeV Ag1SiC Ag2SiC C-1 G_cal-old SiC-old (mobile) C-2 CsI DESY CsI SLAC Under main CsI (mobile) DetectorSegmentationDAQ ch.DescriptionLocation 1. PcalB, C, D, E(e-)1, 2, 3, 44x4 arrays, 23 layer: 1X0W/Si/G10, xyz sumabove permanent dump magnets 2. Gcalold1812ch M1s, 23 layer: 1X0W/Si/G10, xyz summobile (background) 3. SiCold1912ch M1s, 15 layer: Si/G10, xyz summobile (background) 4. Ag2SiC11312ch. M1, 1 layer: 0.15X0W/G10/Si, xy suminside Gcal box 5. GcalZ1-4s14-17(s)ig:central 8ch M1s, Zsum| 1:1,2 2:3,4 3:5,6 4:7-9Gcal box Z1-4b18-21(b)kgndl:corners 4ch M1s, Zsum| same as sig.9 layers: 1X0W/G10/Si 6. PositronSi12212ch. M1, 1 layer Si/G10, xy sum between Faraday cup and e+ magnet (June05 run) 6a.PosSi 2 or 3 4-BL,TL,TR,BR 88,89,90,92 (1) 2x2 array, 1 layer: Si only in beam, between Faraday cup and e+ magnet (Sept05 run) 7. Ag1Si12312ch. M1, 1 layer 0.15X0W/G10/Si, xy sumupstream of Ag1 in Al box 8. Collimator Si 4-T,R,B,L84,85,86,874-M1, 12ch arrays w/ 1X0W, 3mm holealigned w/ collimator 3mm hole Faraday Cup (removable) Collimator 2 Positron Spectrometer 15cm (reversible) magnetized Fe 15cm (reversible) magnetized Fe Collimator Si
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Impact of correction and normalization A [%]ΔA [%]Χ 2 / ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χbar [%] S140 bc / S140 bc corrected / S 140 ag1sic / S140 ag1sic corrected / The normalization to the absolute photonflux is an additional improvement
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 ConlusionsConlusions Combining every signal with every background event leads to the result with the smallest total uncertainty (Method D) The normalization to the absolute photonflux is an additional improvement
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetry [%] BCBC corr.Ag1SicAg1Sic corr. 1000,57±0,160,48±0,140,56±0,160,46±0, ,89±0,080,83±0,080,89±0,080,83±0, ,03±0,060,95±0,061,04±0,060,96±0, ,83±0,080,79±0,070,89±0,080,88±0, ,88±0,180,83±0,160,86±0,180,82±0,16
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetry [%] BCBC corr.Ag1SicAg1Sic corr. 1000,57±0,160,48±0,140,56±0,160,46±0, ,89±0,080,83±0,080,89±0,080,83±0, ,03±0,060,95±0,061,04±0,060,96±0, ,83±0,080,79±0,070,89±0,080,88±0, ,88±0,180,83±0,160,86±0,180,82±0,16 The correction shifts the asymmetry within the errors
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetry [%] BCBC corr.Ag1SicAg1Sic corr. 1000,57±0,160,48±0,140,56±0,160,46±0, ,89±0,080,83±0,080,89±0,080,83±0, ,03±0,060,95±0,061,04±0,060,96±0, ,83±0,080,79±0,070,89±0,080,88±0, ,88±0,180,83±0,160,86±0,180,82±0,16 180ff0,98±0,130,99±0,11 160el1,31±0,051,28±0,041,32±0,051,29±0,04
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Outlier rejection Criterion: Individual contribution to total χ 2 Find next biggest χ i -> remove whole superrun A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S140bc A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S100bcn But
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Conlusions - Asymmetry determination Combining every signal with every background event leads to the result with the smallest total uncertainty (Method D) The normalization to the absolute photonflux is an additional improvement The outlier rejection is an additional method to improve the χ 2 / ndf of the Asymmetry-Fit To do / questions Compare results for selected runs with Tennessee photon beam behavior in September ? Run also over the june data (150A) with the selected methods determine the asymmetries in the other crystals estimate the final systematic uncertainty We should correct the data for steering effect
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 Asymmetry [%] BCBC corr.Ag1SicAg1Sic corr. 1000,57±0,160,48±0,140,56±0,160,46±0, ,89±0,080,83±0,080,89±0,080,83±0, ,03±0,060,95±0,061,04±0,060,96±0, ,83±0,080,79±0,070,89±0,080,88±0, ,88±0,180,83±0,160,86±0,180,82±0,16 180ff0,98±0,130,99±0,11 160el1,31±0,051,28±0,041,32±0,051,29±0,04
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 appendixappendix
Asymmetry [%] BCBC corr.Ag1SicAg1Sic corr. 1000,57±0,160,48±0,140,56±0,160,46±0, ,89±0,080,83±0,080,89±0,080,83±0, ,03±0,060,95±0,061,04±0,060,96±0, ,83±0,080,79±0,070,89±0,080,88±0, ,88±0,180,83±0,160,86±0,180,82±0,16 180ff0,98±0,130,99±0,111,07±0,130,92±0,11 160el1,31±0,051,28±0,041,32±0,051,29±0,04 ( )
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S100bcn
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S100bccorr
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S100ag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S100agco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S120bc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S120bcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S120ag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S120agco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S140bc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S140bcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S140ag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S140agco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160bc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160bcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160ag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160agco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180bc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180bcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180ag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180agco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180ffbc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180ffbcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180ffag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S180ffagco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160elbc
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160elbcco
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160elag
R. Dollan, Princeton 22/05/06 A [%]ΔA [%]χ2χ2 ndfΔA χ [%]A χbar [%]ΔA χ [%] S160elagco