Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Ground-based and Space- based Radar Precipitation Imaging V.Chandrasekar Colorado state University January 28, 2008
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Introduction CSU-CHILL radar - PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scan - RHI (Range Height Indicator) scan Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) - Precipitation Radar (PR)
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging CSU-CHILL radar : New antenna installation
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Example of PPI scan
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Example of RHI scan
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging The received signal corresponds to resolution volume determined by the transmit pulse width & beam width Backscattered signal in weather radars is from distributed target Cross range resolution is dependent on the antenna beam width and range
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Intrinsic backscattering properties of hydrometeor is described by the backscattering covariance matrix Intrinsic backscattering properties of hydrometeor in a linear polarization basis enables the measurements such as size, shape and spatial orientation Waveform Coding at CSU-CHILL radar
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging EvEv EhEh Backscattered signal from horizontal polarization Backscattered signal from vertical polarization Backscattering covariance matrix is given by Waveform Coding at CSU-CHILL radar
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging The received signal in the two polarization channels can be written as The covariance matrix of the received signal is given by Dual Channel Digital Waveform Generator REF OSCILLATOR H-Transmitter V-Transmitter V- Receiver H- Receiver Duplexer STALO H V Waveform Coding at CSU-CHILL radar
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Reflectivity from (a) Alternate mode (20:34:00 UTC) (b) Walsh coded simultaneous mode (20:28:51 UTC). Data collected by CSU-CHILL on May 29, 2007 LDR estimated from (a) Alternate mode (20:34:00 UTC) (b) Walsh coded simultaneous mode (20:28:51 UTC). Data collected by CSU-CHILL on May 29, 2007 Waveform Coding at CSU-CHILL radar
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Networked System Processing KSAO KRSP KLWE KCYR
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging UNFILTERED FILTERED Tornadic circulation feature; wind speeds greater than 40 m/s (90 mph) Networked System Processing
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Networked System Processing Measurement at each radar node Networked retrieval
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Reflectivity retrieval in a networked radar environment: Demonstration from IP-1 radar network
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging KTLX BeforeAfter May 7, 2007 CSE
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging May 8, 2007 CSE KTLX BeforeAfter
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging (Adopted from TRMM data user handbook, 2001) TRMM : Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission - Joint mission between NASA and JAXA - Observing precipitation over tropical regions between 37 o S and 37 o N - Satellite was lunched in 1997 PR : Precipitation Radar (installed on TRMM) GHz Ku-band radar - Horizontal resolution at nadir : 4.3 km. ( 5 km. postboost) - Range resolution : 250 m. - Swath width : 215 km. ( 245 km postboost) - Altitude : 350 km. ( km postboost) Note : TRMM was boosted in altitude in August km. A hurricane in TRMM-PR track TRMM-PR : orbital and observatory characteristics
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Ground and Space-based radar volume matching Performance and system cross validation
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Effective vertical resolution = x r + x b = h*cosθ + r θ B sin θ Effective horizontal resolution = h r + h b = h*sinθ + r θ B cos θ Geometry of pulse volume and resolution degradation effect of space-based radar measurement. to surface
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Geometric distortion in the space-base radar image caused by platform motion
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Difference in resolution between space and ground-based radar images NEXRAD : KAMX Miami, FL TRMM-PR A couple example from simultaneous observations between NEXRAD and TRMM
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging NEXRAD : KEVX, Red Bay/Eglin, FL TRMM-PR
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging 3-D volume matching and shifting based on GR and SR resolution volumes
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Matched and Aligned images between SR and GR GRSR
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Matched images of a tropical storm in Bay of Bengal GR (SHAR, India) SR (TRMM-PR)
Jan 28, 2008Symposium on Imaging Summary The Radar research group works on a variety of problems all the way from Design and development of imaging sensors Analysis of images for interpretation and Cross validation of images from multiple platforms Developing hardware, theory algorithms and and novel applications