Lake Dallas High School Four-Year / Post-Secondary Plan Name: (Last) __________________________ (First) _______________________ (Middle) ____________________ This is a tentative plan to help give you, your parents, and your school some direction as you progress through high school. As you fill in your plan, remember that it is only a plan and should be revisited as needed to ensure your educational success throughout your four years at high school. Plan carefully and select academic courses and electives that will support your interests, career goals, and post-secondary plans. Current Grade___________ Date ___________________ Career Clusters: (Select your top choices by placing a 1, 2, or 3 in the blanks) Principles of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Principles of Health Science Principles of Human Services Principles of Education & Training Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance High School Graduation Plan: (check one) Recommended (27 credits) Distinguished Achievement (27 credits) LDHS Classification Credits: Sophomore (10th) 6 credits Junior (11th)12 credits Senior (12th)19 credits Post-Secondary Plans: (check as many as apply) Certificate / Licensure Technical Training Full-time Employment 2 year degree / Community College 4 year degree / College / University Military Other_____________________________________
LAKE DALLAS ISD Recommended Education and Career Plan Credits/High School RequirementsGrade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English (4) English 1English 2English 3English 4 Math (4) Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Math Models Algebra 2 Pre-Cal Fundamentals of College Alg. Dual Credit College Alg. Algebra 2 Pre-Cal Calculus Statistics Fundamentals of College Alg. Dual Credit College Alg. Science (4) BiologyIPC Chemistry Physics 4 th Science Social Studies (4) World Geography World HistoryUS HistoryGovernment (.5) Economics (.5) Computer (1) Health (.5) Communication Application (.5) Physical Education/Athletics (1.5) Health Comm. App BIM Health Comm. App. PE/Ath Fine Arts ( 1 credit in the same course) Foreign Language (2) (2 credits of the same language) Spanish Electives (4.5) (3.5 for DAP) Total Credits Student Signature _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Due Monday, February 22nd
Registration & the Course Guide Please use the LDHS Course Guide to help you choose your classes, which may be found at Lake Dallas Independent School District and find the LDHS Course Guide on the right column. Factors to be considered in selecting courses include the:Lake Dallas Independent School District requirements for graduation significance of the course to the student's overall program and educational/career goals purpose of the course; and/or possible prerequisite for other courses
Requirements for Graduation Grade Classification Students are classified according to the number of credits earned toward graduation. Freshman 9th grade 0 – 5.5 credits Sophomore 10th grade 6 credits Junior 11th grade 12 credits Senior 12th grade 19 credits Classification will be made only at the beginning of the fall semester and will remain the same throughout the school year.
Graduation Requirements RecommendedDistinguished Achievement (DAP) English44 Math44 Science44 Social Studies44 Physical Education1.5 Health.5 Communication Applications.5 Technology11 Fine Arts11 Foreign Language23 Electives Advanced Measures4 advanced measures Total27 credits27 credits plus 4 measures
Graduation Requirements, cont. In the LDHS Course Guide , refer to pages for a complete list of course titles that meet graduation requirements for each diploma type, Recommended or Distinguished Distinguished Achievement Diploma explanation, page 20 GPA and Class Rank are explained on page 4
Educational Goals A complete list of courses offered at LDHS is found on pages of the Course Guide Course descriptions for each class are found on pages of the Course Guide – Course descriptions may explain the purpose of the course and how it relates to higher education and post-graduate planning – Course descriptions may also specify mandatory prerequisites Pre-AP and AP information and course lists are found on pages 8-12 – Pre-AP and AP classes require a teacher’s signature on your Pre- registration form for enrollment – Grades received in these classes are only weighted when figuring GPA and class rank and not reflected on report cards or transcripts
Dual Credit Classes You must have earned 12 credits Take the THEA and make a 270 on Math and/or a 230 on Reading/220 Writing THEA exemptions may be earned by scoring 2200 on the Math/ELA with a writing score of 3 or above Must apply and be admitted at NCTC, as well as register and pay for the class and any required textbooks/materials For more information, see page 5-6 in the LDHS Course Guide
LDHS Dual Credits Offerings for Fall 2010 Government US History- pre 1865 Public Speaking College Algebra Composition 1 (Eng 4) Psychology Spring 2011 Government US History- post 1865 Public Speaking College Algebra Composition 2 (Eng 4) Sociology
Career Goals Career & Technology Classes offer students the opportunity to pursue a pre-planned, coherent sequence of courses leading to a “career pathway” For more information on Career and Technical Education, refer to pages 6-7 and pages in the LDHS Course Guide Counseling and Mental Health Family and Community Services Principles of Human Services Child Development Interpersonal Studies Human Growth and Development Interpersonal Skills Human Growth and Development Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness Child Guidance Counseling and Mental Health Practicum
LDHS CTE COURSE CROSSWALK PROGRAM AREA PREVIOUS COURSE 2010 COURSE EQUIVALENT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Intro to World Ag / Applied Ag.Principles of Agriculture Animal ScienceLivestock Production Ag Power & MachineryAg Power Systems BUSINESS EDUCATION Administrative ProceduresBusiness Management Intro to BusinessPrinciples of Business, Marketing & Finance BCIS 1Business Information Management 1 BCIS 2Business Information Management 2 FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES Housing / Interior DesignInterior Design Apparel / Textile & Apparel DesignFashion Design Nutrition & Food Science / Food Science & Technology Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness Child Development Individual & Family LifeInterpersonal Studies Child Development & Preparation for Parenting Child Care Guidance Personal & Family DevelopmentPrinciples of Human Services Family Health NeedsCounseling and Mental Health LDHS CTE COURSE CROSSWALK PROGRAM AREA PREVIOUS COURSE MEETS PREREQUISITETO ADVANCED 2010 COURSE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Intro to World Ag / Applied AgAll Ag courses beyond Principles Animal ScienceAdvanced Animal Science BUSINESS EDUCATION BCIS 1Business Information Management BCIS LDHS + Teacher Rec./Appl. Business Information Management 2 with MCAS Certification FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES Apparel / Textile & Apparel DesignAdvanced Fashion Design Career & Technology Classes- Old Courses, New Names
Advanced Technology Complex The ATC offers practicum classes for students interested in specific careers or technical education Participants must meet requirements and complete an application process Participants must provide their own transportation
ATC Programs Available Career and Life Enhancement Architecture and Construction Arts, Audiovisual Technology & Communication Finance Health Science (CNA, Job Shadowing, Pharmacology) Hospitality & Tourism (Culinary Arts, Hotel Restaurant Management) Human Services (Cosmetology, Nail Tech) Information Technology (Computer Maintenance, Biomedical Tech, GIS) Law, Public Safety, Security Manufacturing (Computer Numeric Control, Welding) Marketing, Sales and Service (E-Marketing, Web Design) Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (Electronics, Pre- Engineering) Automotive Tech (Transportation, Distribution & Logistics)
Lake Dallas High School Four-Year / Post-Secondary Plan Name: (Last) __________________________ (First) _______________________ (Middle) ____________________ This is a tentative plan to help give you, your parents, and your school some direction as you progress through high school. As you fill in your plan, remember that it is only a plan and should be revisited as needed to ensure your educational success throughout your four years at high school. Plan carefully and select academic courses and electives that will support your interests, career goals, and post-secondary plans. Current Grade___________ Date ___________________ Career Clusters: (Select your top choices by placing a 1, 2, or 3 in the blanks) Principles of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Principles of Health Science Principles of Human Services Principles of Education & Training Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance High School Graduation Plan: (check one) Recommended (27 credits) Distinguished Achievement (27 credits) LDHS Classification Credits: Sophomore (10th) 6 credits Junior (11th)12 credits Senior (12th)19 credits Post-Secondary Plans: (check as many as apply) Certificate / Licensure Technical Training Full-time Employment 2 year degree / Community College 4 year degree / College / University Military Other_____________________________________
LAKE DALLAS ISD Recommended Education and Career Plan Credits/High School RequirementsGrade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English (4) English 1English 2English 3English 4 Math (4) Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Math Models Algebra 2 Pre-Cal Dual Credit College Alg. Algebra 2 Pre-Cal Calculus Statistics Fundamentals of College Alg Dual Credit College Alg Science (4) BiologyIPC Chemistry Physics 4 th Science Social Studies (4) World Geography World HistoryUS HistoryGovernment (.5) Economics (.5) Computer (1) Health (.5) Communication Application (.5) Physical Education/Athletics (1.5) Health Comm. App BIM Health Comm. App. PE/Ath Fine Arts ( 1 credit in the same course) Foreign Language (2) (2 credits of the same language) Spanish Electives (4.5) (3.5 for DAP) Total Credits Student Signature_______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________ Due Monday, February 22nd