Almost-Spring Short Course on Speech Recognition Instructors: Bhiksha Raj and Rita Singh Welcome
2 What will the course be about We will cover most relevant topics of speech recognition The focus will be on the theory and practice –We will not discuss code for the most part –We will keep maths out of it as far as possible, however We will discuss algorithms and implementation details
3 Instructors Bhiksha Raj: Carnegie Mellon University –Expert in speech recognition Rita Singh: Carnegie Mellon University –Expert in speech recognition Peter Wolf: Independent Consultant –Previously in Dragon Systems Inc. –Sphinx4 expert, expert in speech recogintion application development –Brought in primarily as a resource for helping with sphinx4 and answering applications related questions
4 Format of Course 3 Lectures daily –Morning: 8.00 AM, 1.00 – 1.30 ours –Late Morning / Early Afternoon: 11:00 AM –Afternoon: 2.30 PM The schedule is flexible – timings may vary depending on how much is covered Lectures expected to last 1.00 – 1.5 hours each Intervening times expected to be taken up by exercises
5 Instruction Format Lectures will be pictorially oriented Although we will cover general topics, the specific implementations described will be based on CMU Sphinx –Most other systems are similar Exercises will be based on sphinx
6 Lecture Outline: Day 1 Lecture 1: “Speech recognition for dummies” –a quick development of speech recognition as string matching Lecture 2: “Feature computation” –Explaining how features are computed for speech recognition, including all signal processing Lecture 3: “Hidden Markov Models” –Describing HMMs and all associated problems
7 Lecture Outline: Day 2 Lecture 1: “Training From Continuous Speech” –How to train models from continuous speech –Phonemes, why we need them and how to train them Lecture 2: “Context dependent phonemes” –What are context dependent phonemes –Various types of context dependent phonemes –Training CD phonemes Lecture 3: “Decision Trees and State Tying” –All about decision trees for parameter sharing in ASR systems
8 Lecture Outline: Day 3 Lecture 1: “Training context-dependent models with tied states” –A (relatively) short lecture explaining the final overall process for training models Lecture 2: “Language Modelling” –How to model “language” for speech recognition –Statistical language modelling Lecture 3: “Decoding: Basics” –Describing the basic ideas behind the decoding strategies for continuous speech
9 Lecture Outline: Day 4 Lecture 1: “Decoding: Advanced” –Explaining various more advanced approaches to decoding Arriving at the state of art Lecture 2: “Advanced Topics” –Adaptation, Normalization, Discriminative Training etc. Session 3: Open. –Any spillover –Question Answering
10 Exercises: Day 1 There will be exercises following most lectures Lecture 1: None Lecture 2: Exercise on capture and feature computation from speech signals Lecture 3: None
11 Exercises: Day 2 Lecture 1: “Training From Continuous Speech” –Exercise on training phoneme models and recognizing with them Lecture 2: “Context dependent phonemes” –Exercise on training models for context-dependent phonemes and recognizing with them Lecture 3: “Decision Trees and State Tying” –Exercise on learning decision trees
12 Exercises: Day 3 Lecture 1: “Training context-dependent models with tied states” –Exercise on complete training of the ASR system Lecture 2: “Language Modelling” –Exercises on building JSGF grammars and Ngram LMs for speech recognition Lecture 3: “Decoding: Basics”
13 Lecture Outline: Day 4 Lecture 1: “Decoding: Advanced” –Decoding with various speech recognition system variants: Sphinx3 flat, Sphinx3 tree, Sphinx4 Lecture 2: “Advanced Topics” –No exercises Session 3: Open. –No exercises
14 Software to Install We will be using the CMU sphinx extensively –Sphinxtrain –Sphinx3 decoder –Sphinx4 decoder –CMU LM Toolkit or SRI LM Toolkit We will need additional software to go with it –Java, ant, groovy for S4
15 Sphinx Downloads:
16 Sphinxbase: –Click on the “sphinxbase” link on the left –Click “all releases” –Download version tar.bz2?use_mirror=superb-east tar.bz2?use_mirror=superb-east Sphinx3: –Click on “sphinx3” link on left –Click on “all releases” –Download version zip?use_mirror=internap Sphinx Downloads:
17 Cepview: –Click on the “cepview” link on the left lm3g2dmp: –Click on “lm3g2dmp” link on left The above two are visualization / data-structure optimization tools and are not critical –But they are small, so you might as well download them CMULM toolkit: You may install SRI LM toolkit instead –Better maintained – CMU toolkit is not currently maintained Sphinx Downloads:
18 Sphinx4: –For this workshop download a copy of sphinx that is under development at – Click on download link –Caveat: some scripts may not run; if so we will revert to release version Sphinx4 will also need –Java JDK from –Apache ant -- from –A useful scripting tool (some of our latest scripts are in it): Groovy –Groovy can be had from Bookmark this link: – html Sphinx Downloads:
19 Operating Systems Sphinxbase and Sphinx3 packages have been tried and tested on linux –We are not windows people Suggestion: Prefer linux-based machines –You may also try to run these programs on cygwin under windows Sphinx* should compile under cygwin Install “tcsh” under cygwin We will provide tcsh scripts Sphinx4 is platform independent
20 Additional Packages Would be useful to have a visualization tool –Need to visualize matrices as surfaces Matlab would be great If you don’t have matlab, download octave –
21 Data You may use any data you wish to For exercise we will attempt to provide a small amount of data –As much as can be dealt with on your computers
22 Questions ?