Лексическая игра
Кто знает больше слов по теме «Осень» со звуком[o:] ? Autumn Water Small Walk Warm Horse Ball Snowball Draw Drawing Short Fall Corn Wall Door Floor Four. Km;k
Yellow, red and green, and brown See the little leaves come down. Dancing, dancing in the breeze, Falling, falling from the trees.
Игра «Добавь слово» A Dull…. (Game) Snow… (Ball) Often… (Rains) Often… (Snows) Rain… (Coat) Warm… (Weather) Rain… (Fall) Dry… (Autumn ) Abeautiful… (Season)
1.You often go to see your Granny on Sundays.- Yes, I often go to see my Granny. 2.You often play chess with your brother.- Yes or No ? 3.Hide- and- seek is a dull game.- Yes or No? 4.You like wet weather.- Yes or No? 5.It is raining now.- Yes or No? 6.It often snows in winter.- Yes or No? 7. You like summer.- Yes or No?