26-Jun-15 Getting Ready for CIT591
2 Labs Lab is scheduled for 3;00-4:30 Fridays in Moore 207 Lab is not in Towne 309 (Registrar has it wrong) Everyone is expected to attend lab Assignments will be handed out in lab You will be assigned a partner in the lab If you cannot attend the lab: You must tell me at least one day in advance, otherwise you will incur a 10-point penalty on your program The penalty also applies if you are so late to lab that I think you are not coming, and reassign your partner to someone else If you miss lab, or are very late, you may have to do the assignment without a partner
3 Moore 207 Moore 207 is a Linux lab Many of you have not used Linux It has a desktop that is very similar to the Windows or Macintosh desktop It’s not hard to figure out Don’t be afraid! I’ll step you through a brief introduction to Linux Java is platform independent: You can easily move back and forth between Linux and Windows or Mac The easy way to move files is to by a cheap thumb drive We do have a lab this Friday Before the lab, please go to Moore 207 and make sure you can log in If you can't, go to the CETS office and get the problem fixed
4 What You Need It’s really convenient to have your own computer Virtually any Windows computer made within the last three or four years (and some a lot older than that) will be fine If Macintosh, must run Mac OS X, preferably Leopard (10.5) If your computer is too slow, and you can add RAM, do so Download and install Java (JDK 6 update 7) This includes the JRE, so don’t install that separately At the same time, download and install Java SE 6 Documentation (from the same web page) Download and install Eclipse Classic By the way: the JDK and Eclipse are free
5 Java for Macintosh If you have OS X, you already have Java, but you will not have the latest version If you do not have OS X, you have to get it--earlier versions will not run Java 5 or 6 The best way to get Java 6 is to join the Apple Developer Connection Last I knew, the basic membership is free
6 Getting Eclipse You should have Java installed before you install Eclipse If you Google for “Eclipse”: The first hit is the home page, The second hit is “Eclipse Downloads,” The current version (Sept. 2007) is Eclipse Classic 3.4 Click on the download link Y ou will get a zip file; unzip it No further “installation” is necessary (assuming your Java is installed correctly) Run the eclipse.exe file You will be asked to choose a folder for a “workspace” (mine is called workspace ); do so No further configuration is necessary
7 Office hours We have two TA for this course, Nora Apsel and Cyril Isaac Office hours will be posted shortly If you have questions about the assignment: If you are doing pair programming, first ask your partner Then come and see Nora or Cyril or me (preferably with your partner) I am available much of the time outside office hours I avoid making appointments, because I usually forget to keep them Office hours are when I try hard to be in my office; they are not the only time you can see me If my office door is open, I’m available If my office door is closed and I’m there, I’m available if it’s urgent If I have a “Do not disturb” sign up, I’m frantically busy (this is usually the last half-hour or so before class)
8 Feel free to send me at: cis.upenn.edu I get tons of spam, including over 1000 virus-carrying messages a week To avoid my spam (but not my virus) filters: If your concerns this course, please put 591 somewhere in the subject line If your is more general (personal, about the MCIT program, etc.) please put MCIT somewhere in the subject line If you forget, I’ll probably see your anyway; please don’t immediately send another copy!
9 Problems If you are having problems with the course or the MCIT program, please come see me It is my job to help you, and I take that seriously MCIT students especially: If you have personal problems (sickness, death in the family, breaking up with someone, etc.), please come see me I can’t help with personal problems, but......I might be able to help you with rearranging courses, getting a leave of absence, etc.—things to help you stay in the program and keep your grades up I treat all such matters as confidential
10 Vocabulary I JRE, Java Runtime Environment This is the software that allows you to run Java programs on your computer JDK, Java Development Kit (previously called SDK, System Development Kit) The software that allows you to create and run Java programs on your computer When you install the SDK, you get a JRE along with it IDE, Integrated Development Environment A tool, such as Eclipse, that makes it easier to write programs
11 The End