Health Education Risk by Susan J. Penner 2011, all rights reserved
Rules for Two Players or Two Teams Flip a coin to decide which player or team teaches first. Use the timer provided in the slide (be sure to use Slideshow View) to teach the opponent for 1 minute. The opponent then has one minute to ask questions that point out ways that the teaching was unclear. If the teacher’s presentation cannot be successfully questioned, it’s world domination!
Rules for One Person “Solitaire” Use the timer (don’t forget to get into Slideshow mode) to rehearse teaching for one minute. Take a one-minute “break” to imagine yourself as a member of a selected patient population. For example, spend a minute pretending to be homeless, elderly or non-English speaking. Take the opponent role for one minute, trying to think of ways your teaching may be unclear. You win at solitaire, and may consider world domination, if you HONESTLY can’t successfully question your rehearsal.
Example: Teaching: “This is the ointment for your leg wound. Be sure to apply this ointment three times a day.” Opponent: “Do I wash the wound first?” “Can I apply it three times in the morning? I’m busy the rest of the day. “How much do I apply?” “Does it go on the wound itself, or around the wound?”
To start the timer, you must be in Slideshow view. The timer counts down by 10- second intervals, so it doesn’t start for 10 seconds. READY, SET, GO!