Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, 2007 1 Installation Planning Integration process – IMT update Installation Planning &


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Presentation transcript:

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Installation Planning Integration process – IMT update Installation Planning & Schedules 2007 Installations BTH -> FEH “2008” Installation

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Integration Management Team Overview IMT Organization Integration Area managers are points of contact for changes and schedules Changes are documented in a Design Change Request (DCR) form Signatures from Integration Area Managers and System Managers assures acknowledgement and communication across systems Project Office final approval – assures funding path is known and approved DCR to CF provides clear direction that action on change is approved and can begin Budget Change Request (BCR) to be submitted by group performing work (normally CF)

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, System Design/Construction Integration Integration Management process Integration Management Team Established core team to ensure systems wide communication Review and approve change requests to CF from technical groups Review Issue For Construction (IFC) drawings for technical requirements and compatibility Review installation plans and provide input on integration activities Document change requests that are cross divisional (affecting more than one system) Processes A Design Change Request, once approved, gets turned into a BCR by group doing work Technical requirement documents are tracked by the QA Manager; Engineering Specification Document (ESD), Physics Requirement Document (PRD), Room Data Sheet (RDS), Interface Control Document (ICD)

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Integration Management Team IMT Design Topics and Issues to date DCRs complete & approved Service Building Power: IMT-DCR Offset Mirror support pad relocation: IMT-DCR Electron Beam dump: IMT-DCR (Linac-CF) NEH Concrete Wall Penetrations: IMT-DCR Beam Dump Crane: IMT-DCR NEH Hutch cable trays: IMT-DCR Undulator Hall electrical power dist: IMT-DCR LCW for LTU: IMT-DCR NEH Laser bay/FEE cable trays: IMT-DCR FEE Fiber Optic cable penetrations: IMT-DCR DCRs in process FEE Electrical Alcove: IMT-DCR Issues being worked PPS requirements for CF (lighting controls, AC power, HVAC/ventilation controls, etc) Service Building cable tray height changes The process is working well and continues with weekly meetings

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Shutdown Planning & Installation Schedule Installation Planning & Schedules Install org chart & planning 2007 & 2008 Installations

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, * Denotes IMT member * * * * *

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Installation Planning 2007 SLAC Shutdown SLAC downtime – September, October, November Installation Planning (more details in breakouts) Installation through BC2 & all cable plant; including cables through the BSY into the BTH West Using SLAC Schedule process for SLAC resource loading 2008 Installation Planning LCLS installations begin at Early Occupancy dates defined by TCCo & LCLS 2008 Installation schedule developed to begin detailed planning & integration process – refined by the rebaseline Early Co-Occupancy dates being defined Will follow on 2007 Installation learning curve and use P3 for detailed install schedule (shift work, multiple calendars, etc) Schedule shows Metrology work starting as early as December 2007

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Installation Planning A 2007 Installation Schedule Readiness Review was held on March 16 - report determined that: Integrated schedule is needed; amount of work shown by independent schedules does not match downtime duration and conflict with each other Majority of system will be ready for the down; just need to fit into the timeline Detailed schedule being developed in MS Project Integration of individual system schedules Weekly LCLS Installation meetings held Weekly SLAC Downtime meetings held 2007 Installation Planning SLAC Directors Readiness Review held on May 16 – report confirmed the LCLS plan and schedule is sound and will maintain the downtime dates as published LCLS is major focus of downtime, confirms laboratory support

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Shutdown Planning & Installation Schedule Installation Planning & Schedules BTH -> FEH; aka “2008” Installation

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Installation Planning LCLS installations begin at Early Occupancy dates defined by TCCo BTH, Undulator Hall & Service Buildings available as early as December 5, 2007; NEH 12/21/07; X-ray tunnel 1/8/08; FEH 3/24/08; SB 2.3 late December TCCo has priority over co-occupied space until B.O. BTH-NEH B.O. 3/21/08; X-ray tunnel – FEH B.O. 6/23/08 Subcontract SOWs are being prepared

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 1 of Schedule Co-Occupancy dates defined Major subcontracts used for installations First activity is Metrology network installation LTU components connect to cables installed through BSY in 2007 downtime 2007 Downtime

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LTU Hardware contained inside BTH West and BTH Entry areas are East & West mazes, and openings at headhouse Will plan access areas to limit interferences with Undulator and LTU installation phases Undulator Hall BTH West tunnel East Maze – Undulator entry point West Maze entry point Headhouse entry SB 2.1 SB 2.2 SB 2.3

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 2 of 7 Undulator girder installation LTU components installed in BTH

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS UNDULATOR SYSTEM 33 Undulators 33 Quadrupoles/Correctors EM air-cooled 10 Long breaks 22 Short Breaks Supports with movers 5 DOF plus horizontal slider Vacuum System interconnects 33 rf Beam Position Monitors 33 Beam Finder Wires Wire Position Monitor Hydro static level system

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 3 of 7 FEE installation (Phase 3 & 4 delayed until FY09) E- Dump components installed

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS 2008 Installation schedule FEE systems are well along in the planning stages

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 4 of 7 NEH Installations; most of which are delayed into FY09

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS 2008 Installation schedule NEH overview NEH Hutches

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 5 of 7 X-Ray tunnel and FEH installation delayed until FY2009

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 6 of 7 Summary of PPS and System Tests

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, LCLS Installation Schedule 7 of 7 Commissioning activities leading to CD Downtime Systems ready for first electron beam into LTU & dump by 10/22/ Downtime

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, Summary 2008 Installation Planning Early occupancy of Conventional Facilities will begin the installation process for technical systems Does not require Linac/PEPII down for LCLS installations BTH West installation puts some limits on beam operation to other areas like ESA Need to coordinate several subcontracts (~3-4?) to install mechanical systems and cable plant simultaneously Detailed Installation planning in process by coordinators

Richard M. Boyce FAC October 29-31, End of Presentation