QM08 J. Schukraft 1 What else can one do with ? pp at LHC: plenty of everything.. Lots of energy: 14 TeV Lots of time: several months/year Lots Lots of rate : L: cm -2 s -1 => MinBias rate > 50 kHz– 500 MHz Physics: The usual suspects.. SM, BSM:Higgs, Susy, black holes, ….. nonpert QCD: low x physics, Color Glass, baryon transport, …. heavy ion:comparison data (necessary, but boring ?) A new suspect at LHC: light ion physics with protons ?
QM08 J. Schukraft 2 Global pp event properties Multiplicity distribution at LHC quite respectable particle densities dN ch /d ~ 50 – 100 can be reached ! > central SPS, mid-central RHIC naïvely, energy density > 5 – 10 GeV/fm 3 0 = 1 fm, V = 5 fm 3 even protons get obese these days ~ small (but very dense) ‘QGP’ physics with protons at least: onset of hadronic FS interactions maybe: collective hadronic/partonic dynamics why not: the QGP, mini serving 60,000 MB events dN ch /d ~ 50 ! SPSRHICLHC # of partons in proton 3 + g(x > 2GeV) Phobos Cu-Cu
QM08 J. Schukraft 3 Isn’t that jet physics ?? pp high multiplicity = Jets, we’ve been there (eg LEP) can one separate the ‘soft’ from the ‘hard’ (e.g with veto on jets) ? CDF (Phys.Rev.D65:072005,2002 ) STAR (Phys.Rev.D74:032006,2006) Inclusive Soft Hard There are ‘soft’ events up to very high N ch !
QM08 J. Schukraft 4 is already known The first result is already known N part scaling won’t work N part scaling won’t work with high multiplicity pp !! I’m sure WB and BW will work out some other scaling relation.. Cu+Cu Preliminary 15-25%, N part = 61 PHOBOS 62.4 GeV200 GeV Au+Au 45-50%,N part = 62 Cu+Cu Preliminary 15-25%, N part = 60 Au+Au 45-55%, N part = 56
QM08 J. Schukraft 5 STAR More interesting studies Particle production: How do we approach fully thermal ratios ?? strangeness under-saturation in pp: canonical suppression, disconnected sub-volumes, missing final state interactions,… a ‘thermal analysis’ in pp from dN ch /dy 50 would seem quite interesting comparison between pp and AA at similar dN/dy volume/density/lifetime effects ?? some results exist from FNAL and RHIC limited statistics (much) lower dN/dy no separation soft/hard E735 Fermilab N ch Protons Kaons Pions
QM08 J. Schukraft 6 From merely exotic to totally crazy Hadronic FSI ? dn/dy ~ 100 => rescattering => radial flow ? does size and shape matter for a proton ? => HBT, elliptic flow ? Are partons feeling the pressure ?? coalescence, flow scaling with quark number ?? lepton & photons from parton annihilation ?? Jet quenching, Quarkonia suppression ??? you name it, LHC has it * ….. * maybe. No money back guarantee