By Jessica Gallant
John finds love on his first leave from the military while visiting his dad. When the 9/11 attack takes place, he faced with a decision that will change his life forever.
Each thorn on the rose represents a struggle John went through as he was growing up. When he finally enlisted in the military, he blossomed and found our who he really was. Every rose has it’s thorns…
Superman, one of the most courageous heroes, is relatable to John. He proves himself to not only Savannah, but his father and country.
Yes a pen, fools. A Pen is a symbol for John’s love for Savannah. The ink runs out, but the pen is still existent. Much like their love, they believe it ran out and ended, but it was still very much there.
Coins Coins represent John’s entire relationship with his father throughout his whole life.
An envelope travels with the chance of getting lost or scattered in different areas. John ends up in locations around the world he never expected.
Like good ol’ Saint Nick, John is always willing to give. Yes, he’s in the military, but he sacrifices much more for his family and friends.
Would you want to get a big, scary bear angry?... Think of John as a bear. You definitely don’t want to get him angry!