Mars Global Surveyor Magnetometer - PI: M. Acuna
Planetary Dynamos Volume of electrically conducting fluid... which is convecting... and rotating All planetary objects probably have enough rotation - the presence (or not) of a global magnetic field tells us about and
No core dynamo today Magnetization of surface rocks
Magnetization only of old, cratered terrain -> Dynamo ceased ~3.5 billion years ago
Atmospheric Loss Processes Neutral Ion Bulk removal “stripping” Ion pickup Sputtering Photochemical loss
Crustal magnetic sources affect these processes: shielding atmosphere from SW field topology open field lines
MGS Measurements - Implications for Mars’ Atmosphere Ancient dynamo -> early protection for atmosphere Strong crustal magnetization -> affect atmospheric loss after dynamo turn-off
Solar Wind Interaction Boundary Pressure Balance: obstacle to the solar wind P Solar Wind = P (magnetic) crust + P (thermal) ionosphere David Brain
Mars’Interaction Boundary Response to the Solar Wind
Field Topology David Brain Solar wind and magnetic field impinging on Mars’ complex magnetic field Close-up of strong anomaly region
Changing Topology of Mars’ Magnetic Field
Over a Strong Magnetic Region
Mars Aeronomy Mission Upper atmosphere Ionosphere Magnetic Field Pick-Up Ions Solar Wind
3 scenarios for how the dynamo stopped Dynamo convection driven by radiogenic / formation heating: Cools down, mantle slows down, core stops convecting Inner core condensation drives dynamo: Cools down, inner solid core expands to (almost) fill core Plate tectonics drives dynamo: Cools down, mantle slows down, core slows down