Qualitative Research Dr. Constance Knapp Information Systems DCS 891A Research Seminar December 15, 2006
What is qualitative research? An approach Usually field research Usually complex
Why would you use a qualitative method? To develop a theory To understand a phenomena To describe the nature of a phenomena To verify something in a real world setting To evaluate a practice or approach
Apply this to yourself What kinds of questions do you have that might fit the above criteria? Qualitative research usually begins with a very general question-what’s your general question? We describe or interpret phenomena-what are you describing or interpreting?
How is this different from quantitative research? No null hypothesis No causal relationship No confidence intervals
Qualitative vs. quantitative Some challenges Replication Rigor Researcher as instrument
Methods Case Study Ethnography Action Research Study Grounded Theory Study Content Analysis (See Table 7.1 page 144, Leedy)
An example My dissertation Topic: organizational and technological factors affecting CASE tool success Methodology used
Grounded Theory Developed by Glaser and Strauss, 1967 Refined by Strauss and Corbin, 1990
Grounded Theory Literature review Data collection Coding Theoretical sampling
Literature Review Pure grounded theory: literature after collecting data I completed my literature review before Questions that I asked in the interviews came from those suggested by the literature
Data Collection What is the data? Interview data Taped Transcribed Field notes The setting The “body language”
Data Collection and Analysis Iterative process Collect data Analyze Collect more data Analyze
Coding Each transcribed interview was coded All comments were grouped Open coding: learn underlying themes Axial coding: look for interconnections Selective coding: form a story line Goal: develop a theory
Theoretical Sampling When you are no longer learning new information, you stop collecting data At that point you have reached saturation You can STOP collecting data
An example Checklists from Leedy Planning a qualitative study Evaluating a qualitative study “A Grounded Theory Study of Successful Organizational Integrated CASE Technology Implementation” Knapp, C. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Second Annual Association of Information Systems Conference, Phoenix, AZ,1996.
Some observations about qualitative methods Takes time Requires a field setting Requires insight on the part of the researcher Provides richness Can be very satisfying work
References Glaser BG, Strauss A. Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strategies for Qualitative Research. Sociology Press Strauss A, Corbin J. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Sage, 1990
Web Sources IS World Page on Qualitative Research/ IS World Page on Qualitative Research/ Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Leedy Companion Website Leedy Companion Website
So what’s so special about qualitative research? What you ask How you design your study What data you collect How you interpret your data How you use the literature review How you write up your results In short, EVERYTHING!