Does „Sex“ Have a History?
Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender From the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990.
What, according to Jagose is the difference between so-called essentialist and constructionist positions concerning the understandings of homosexuality? Can you think of some examples of some arguments in which these different understandings of homosexuality are played out against each other?
DISCOURSE Discourse is the term used to describe the network of statements, images, stories and practices by which certain beliefs or set of ideas about a particular topic are circulated and sustained in order to naturalize these as self-evident or common sense. -- Giles, Judy & Jim Middleton (1999): Studying Culture: A Pratical Introduction
POWER/KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is always a form of power, but power is implicated in the questions of whether and in what circumstances knowledge is to be applied or not. Knowledge linked to power, not only assumes the authority of ‚the truth‘ but has the power to make itself true. Power circulates. It is deployed and exercised through a net-like organization.
Foucault: History of Sexuality Incitement to discourse? What does that mean? What does Foucault mean when he says that in the 18 th century sex became a “police” matter? p. 24 four operations of power (p )
Halperin „Is There a History of Sexuality“? What are some of the differences between Foucault, Halperin, and Faderman?